written on his skin

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Soulmate AU: where anything you draw on your skin appears on your soulmates. Which apparently includes hickeys. Just a bit of fluffy Drarry.


Morning, Potter

Harry yawned and watched the words appear on his skin. He smiled and reached for the marker he kept under his pillow.

Morning, sweetie, he replied.

Ugh, don't tell me we're using terms of endearment now? Really, Potter?

Harry grinned. How about honey, sugar, babe, his royal highness, pumpkin-

Ooh, go back, I liked that last one, Draco wrote.

Harry rolled his eyes. Of course you did.

The boys' dormitory was empty- everyone had already gone down to breakfast. Harry didn't want to leave just yet- he was caught up basking in the glow of last night- the giddy feeling in his stomach, the happiness bubbling up. He and Draco had spent a considerable number of hours in the Room of Requirement together. It had been perfect. 

But now they had to pretend. They hadn't told anyone about their relationship yet. Which meant that they still hurled insults at each other when the others were around. They were still "enemies" in public. It was getting harder every day to cover it up.

Harry sighed and went into the bathroom. He braced his hands against the basin and glanced in the mirror... and froze.

Dotted all across his neck were dark coloured love bites, prominent against his skin. Harry frowned. He remembered giving them to Draco last night, but he didn't remember Draco giving him any. Unless

He cursed. Loudly.

"Anything that's on his skin appears on mine," he muttered, examining the hickeys. "Great job, Potter," he said, imitating Dracos voice. Sighing, he wrapped his red and gold Gryffindor scarf around his neck, hoping no one would question him.


"What's with the scarf, Harry?" asked Ron, shooting him a quizzical look. "It's a bloody hot day."

Harry shrugged, sliding into the desk next to him. "It's called a fashion statement, Ron. Its like saying a big fuck you to the man."

Rons eyes narrowed. "You've never cared what people thought of your appearance, Harry."

"Exactly," he said, jabbing his finger forcefully to emphasise his point. Hermione was watching him with a contemplative expression on her face. She opened her mouth, as if about to comment, but all of a sudden Professor McGonagall swept into the room. End of discussion.


Harry received a few odd looks, but overall, he managed to get away with it. No one else questioned him about his counterintuitive fashion choice, and for the most part, people seemed to have accepted it and moved on. Except Hermione, who shot him puzzled glances every now and then. But despite this, the scarf issue seemed to have been forgotten.

Until potions.

They had potions with the Slytherins, which meant Harry would spent most of the lesson pretending to fight with Draco.

Today, he arrived early and sat in his usual seat beside Ron. Gryffindors and Slytherins alike filtered into the room, but Harry paid them no attention. He was too caught up in his own head.

"Hey, mate. You okay?" asked Ron, who had appeared next to him. Harry nodded.

"Good, because I wanted to talk to you about Hermione. I know you and she are close, but I was wondering what you thought about- what the bloody hell?!" Harry's head shot up.

"What? Is everything...?" he trailed off, following Ron's line of sight to the doorway.

And there stood Draco Malfoy. Tall, handsome. And wearing a silver and green scarf, exactly like Harry. He shot Harry a subtle wink and sauntered over to his seat next to Blaise. Harry felt his heart hammering against his chest.

"Is there a reason why you and Malfoy decided to match each other today?" asked Ron, bewildered.

Harry shrugged, trying to calm his racing pulse. "Pure coincidence."

Just then, Hermione appeared in the doorway and took in the two boys, her eyes widening. She stalked across to Harry.

"Take it off," she said. Harry's hands flew to his throat protectively.

"What? Why?"

A playful smirk flashed across her face. "Okay, I'll do it." Without warning, she reached out and ripped the scarf away from Harry's neck. There was an audible gasp as the entire class took in the evidence of how Harry had spent his night.

"Nice one, Potter," a Slytherin called. Draco was looking at him with raised eyebrows, his lips twisted into a smirk.

Suddenly, everyone's attention was back on Hermione as she made her way across the room to the blonde Slytherin. Shit.

"Fuck off, Granger," Draco hissed. But too late. She'd already snatched the scarf away, revealing the same hickeys dotted all over Draco's skin. There was a shocked silence, as the whole class looked between the two boys. Ron was the first to speak.

"You and Malfoy? Are you out of your bloody mind?"

Harry shrugged and blushed deeply, his gaze fixed on his soulmate. "You dont choose who you love," he muttered quietly.

Snape swept into the room at that moment, taking in the scene with amusement. "Malfoy, Potter, if you two are done, we shall proceed with the lesson."

Harry busied himself with taking his books out, refusing to meet the gaze of Ron or Hermione. Suddenly, he felt the scratch of a pen on his wrist.

Maybe you dont choose who you love, but either way I choose you, Harry Potter. Every. Goddamn. Time.

Harry broke into a grin, his cheeks colouring. Draco smiled at him from across the room.

Hermione cleared her throat, making Harry flinch. He expected her to yell at him, hate him, tell him he was disgusting, but...
"You're happier than I've seen you in months," she said quietly. "It's because of him, isnt it?"

Harry nodded.

"Is he your- you know soulmate?"

Harry rolled his eyes affectionately. "You know, for the brightest witch your age, you really can be unobservant," he said, gesturing to the marks on his neck, and then to Draco's. Hermione gasped.

"They're the same."

Harry nodded again.

"Is he good to you?" Ron asked.

Harry let out a small laugh. "Yeah. Yeah, he is."

Ron exhaled. "Then it's fine by me, mate."

Harry felt a tell-tale scratch on his arm. Tell Ron thanks, but we don't need his approval. Ron read it over his shoulder, and flipped Malfoy off.

"Hey, thats my soulmate!" Harry protested.

"He's still an annoying bastard."

Harry lowered his voice. "Tell me about it," he muttered. But Draco must've heard it anyway.

Fuck you, Potter.

Maybe later, he replied.

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