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Dumbledore is wandering the halls late one night, when he hears an unexpected noise from the broom cupboard.


Dumbledore inhaled deeply. It was a beautiful spring night at Hogwarts, and the only sound was the steady thrum of crickets outside. All of the students had going to bed, and he relished the peace and quiet that their absence brought. He was getting on in years, and while he loved his job, he'd found that teenagers had the uncanny ability to assault his ears like no one else. Curfew hours were a time of such serenity...

He paused. Tilted his head slightly. And yes, there was definitely something penetrating the quiet of the evening. A commotion, coming from a few corridors away. Dumbledore set his jaw- he was a very patient man, but his curiosity and vague annoyance at the disturbance propelled him forwards towards the sound.

As he got closer, it became more distinctive. Grunts and moans and faint whispers coming from a dusty broom cupboard. Dumbledore was old and single, but he wasn't stupid. He knew what was going on. But he was also a trouble-maker, and a complete gossip. And Merlin, he wanted to know who was in there. He had more than a few bets running with McGonagall. He wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to spill some hot tea.

He flung the doors open.

A startled cry.

Wide eyes. Flushed cheeks. Guilty faces.

Draco and Harry sprung apart, suddenly at opposite ends of the cupboard. They both looked thoroughly fucked, though Dumbledore noted with a grateful sigh that both boys were clothed from the waist down. He couldn't help but realise the irony that they were in a closet. He tried to keep the knowing smirk from his face.

"Boys. What were you doing in here?"

"Nothing," Draco said, sounding flustered.

"Definitely not each other," Harry said, as if it wasn't painfully obvious already that they definitely were.

"Shut up, Potter," Draco hissed, his cheeks flushing darker. "You're not making this any better."

Harry shrugged. "I was just clarifying in case Professor Dumbledore thought something was going on, which absolutely was not."

Draco groaned. "You're a complete idiot."

"But I'm your idiot," he said without thinking. Then blushed. "Which I mean in a way that is completely platonic and not gay. Obviously." Draco buried his face in his hands.

Dumbledore suppressed a laugh, all of his earlier annoyance melting away. But all of a sudden, he was hit with a wave of nostalgia. Seeing the two boys together... it reminded him of his youth. He'd fallen in love. He'd thought it would last forever. He still sometimes felt that gaping wound in his chest. Gellert Grindelwald.

Dumbledore spoke. "Boys, I'm going to close these doors and pretend I didn't see anything. Next time, consider relocating to the room of requirements. It's sound proof." A mixture of relief and embarrassment flickered over the boys' faces. "And-" He hesitated. Swallowed past the lump in his throat. "Love is precious. Once you've found it," he said, "you must do everything you can to fight for it."

Harry blinked and opened his mouth as if to reply, but Dumbledore had already pulled the door closed and turned away. A single tear rolled down his cheek, but he brushed it away quickly.

Now was not the time to dwell in the past, on the things that could have been. Because despite all the good things that Gellert had brought with him, there was plenty of bad things too. And Gellert had changed into someone he didn't know anymore. In the end, he supposed, it wasn't meant to be.

Dumbledore shook himself, pushing the thoughts away. He had plenty of things to be happy about in the present. Like, for example, the 100 galleons that McGonagall now owed him.

As Dumbledore made his way back to office, he couldn't help the grin that split his face.

"Drarry is real," he whispered to himself.



This is a bit of a short one, but I wanted to post it anyway. I'm working on a few more one-shots, so I should be updating again soon.

Also, I can't believe this book has over 2000 reads already! Thank you!

-Ellen xx

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