Long Months- Jinxx x Reader

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(Hi Berries! So I am currently in love with Jinxx sooooooo enjoy. P.s. Texting will be in the weird sideways text.....lmao) (Also Y/B/N means your brothers name)

JinxxyBear: Hey Baby, how are you holding up?

LovelyY/n: I'm okay, just stressed from work and Kathy is driving me crazy

JinxxyBear: Wait Kathy L. or  Kathy with the huge nose?

LovelyY/n: Jinxx!.......The one with the huge eyes, mouth and ugly husband....

JInxxyBear: HAH!

JinxxyBear: I'm sorry Y/n, she's a bitch and how do we know so many Kathys?

LovelyY/n:  I have no idea.

LovelyY/n:  She is bitching about how her husband is better than any of ours and how her kids are so well behaved and blah blah blah...

JinxxyBear: I am offended. Do you think he's better than me? :.(

LovelyY/n: Of course not!  Have you seen Sebastian Stan?

JinxxyBear: Y/nnnnn

LovelyY/n: I'm kidding! I love you more than anything. I miss you so much Jinxx.

He doesn't reply, maybe one of the boys called him over or something.

I slowly lift myself off the couch and make my way to the kitchen. Feeling a kick from my baby boy makes me feel a bit better, being 7 months pregnant and my husband being away on tour for 5 is a struggle but my older brother helps me with some odd jobs around the house that I can't do.

"HEY Y/N! COMEHERERIGHTNOW!" Y/b/n calls out, almost too quickly to hear.

"Coming Asshole!" I giggle , making my way over to him.

He walks over to me with a sly smirk. Grabbing my hand and gently shoves me into his car.

"Okay now put this on and trust me" Y/b/n says, handing me a blindfold.

"Wait why-" "Nope. NO questions at all, just trust me ok?" He interrupts, as I sigh and place the blindfold over my eyes.

"I hate you, I hope you know that" He just laughs and makes a left turn.

"Hey not so fast! Your nephew will end up with whiplash" I joke. "Nah you turned out fine so I'm sure he will too" I playfully smack him. All of a sudden my phone rings and he answers and gives it to me.


"Hey Sweetheart, how's my darling wife and child?" I hear Jinxx's voice and instantly feel at ease.

"Hey baby, we are okay...so long as his uncle DRIVES SAFELY!" I joke at Y/b/n, as he sharply turns another corner. I put Jinxx on speaker.

"Y/b/n don't make me hurt you" Jinxx says sternly. "Jinxx we are fine I promise, Y/b/n is taking me somewhere....and he won't tell me" I whine. "Sorry I can't help you there Y/n" He laughs.

"What! You know? Jeremy Miles Ferguson, you tell me right now!" I complain.

"Nope, sorry babe. Oops I have to go but we'll talk soon. Love you!" Jinxx singsongs as he hangs up.

"Hey, don't be sad, because sad backwards is das and das not good." Y/b/n smirks at himself. I laugh at him.

"Oh look here we are! Oh...wait. Hahaha" "Ha ha ha very funny Y/b/n" I groan, as I unbuckle and wait for him to open my door.

As he opens my door I hear cheering and screams.

"Y/b/n where are we?" I ask, starting to get nervous, as I don't do well with crowds.

"Hey, It's okay I promise Y/n." Y/b/n soothes, letting go of your hand as the crowd gets louder and louder.

Eventually it gets quiet and I feel an arm snake around my waist and one hand remove the blindfold.

"Surprise Baby!" "Jinxx!" I cry as he kisses me and holds me gently. The crowd lets out loud 'awwws'

"You said you wouldn't be back for another 3 months?" I exclaim, with teary eyes.

"Well we couldn't let JInxxerino miss the birth of his child now could we?" CC jokes and we laugh. "Oh my god I love you guys" I squeal and pull them in for a group hug

"I have to leave now but your wives will be here soon to get you guys and Y/n a Cab will be here soon for you guys. Now CC, lets get home before our show starts!" Y/b/n shouts to his husband before picking him up and shoving him in the car.

"Aww." We laugh as the cab pulls up.

(Time skip to the day of your baby boy's birth)

 It's 2am on a Thursday and Jinxx and I were lying in bed watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S (I'm only at like s3 no spoilers lol)  and I feel the bed underneath me begin to feel uncomfortable.

"Baby call a cab, I think our son is ready to meet us." I say starting to feel the anxiety building up in my chest. "Oh shit okay okay...." He starts gathering things and shoving it into the overnight bag while on the phone with a cab.

(Time skip to hospital brought to you by CC's bandana)

"Okay ma'am I need you to push for me." The doctor asks. I whimper, closing my eyes. "I can't. Jinxx I'm scared, I can't do this." "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, I'm right here, I'm not going to leave you. You're doing great, you will be an amazing mom Y/n. I promise." Jinxx soothes, squeezing my hand gently.

"O-okay, I-I'm ready." I whisper. "I believe in you sweetheart." He kisses my hand.

(15 minutes Later)

"It's a boy!" The doctor announces, handing him to a nurse to be cleaned and diapered.

"You did it Y/n. Our baby boy is finally here." Jinxx cheers kissing me. "I did it...what if I fuck up? Wha-" He stops me "No no Y/n, I swear you will be the best parent on the planet, and I don't ever plan on leaving you. We can do this."

"And here Is the little joy!" A nurse cheerfully hands me our son. "Oh my god. He's beautiful." I breathe, as he wraps his tiny hand around my finger. "Jeremy.."

"Yeah?" Jinxx looks up at me,  "No." I laugh.

"I think his name should be Jeremy." I explain. "Really?" He asks, smiling wider than I've ever seen him smile.

"Of course." I smile, gently rocking Little Jeremy and watching him sleep. I hand Little Jeremy over to Jinxx so I can prop myself up.

"Our little family." Jinxx smiles, holding our son and cooing at him.

(Hai Berries! I couldn't finish this last night so I did today. Enjoy!)

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