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Waking up to someone playing with his hair wasn't something Jeongguk was used to. He can't deny that he liked it, it felt good. Every stroke was soft and sent shivers down Jeongguk's spine. Once Jeongguk opened his eyes, he was met with darkness, the only source of light was coming from the buildings behind the window. Slowly, not wanting to hit his head into Taehyung's shin, Jeongguk lifted his head and looked at Taehyung.

"Hey there." whispered Taehyung. His hand disappeared from Jeongguk's hair and rested on his waist now, gripping it tightly. When Jeongguk was about to answer, he felt Taehyung's finger circling Jeongguk's skin. That action made Jeongguk shiver.

"H-hi." he replied back. Taehyung smiled and hugged Jeongguk even tighter, making him blush.

The younger buried his head into Taehyung's neck and took a deep breath. This is nice. He thought. It felt nice to be in Taehyung's hold, even if Jeongguk will never say that out loud. It would be too embarrassing to say that to Taehyung's face. Jeongguk could imagine his smirk and never ending teasing. Suddenly he felt a tug and he was no longer lying on Taehyung's chest. Taehyung flipped them around, so now Jeongguk was underneath him.

"We need to talk." began talking Taehyung when he was done admiring Jeongguk's beauty.

Jeongguk sighed and nodded. There was no way out of that conversation. He pushed Taehyung off of him and sat down, Tae doing the same.

"Can I begin?" after finding courage in him asked Taehyung. When he got a nod in reply, he started. "Okay, where should I start? Oh okay. When I added you on snapchat, not gonna lie, I wanted to hook up. I mean come on, look at you, you are hot as hell. But then I got to know you, I found out how annoying you are."

Jeongguk punched Taehyung in the arm for that comment.

"You know that it's true. Your part time job is to annoy me. But the thing is, I like that part of you. You don't care that you wound my ego with those remarks and exactly that made me like you. You don't bother to put a facade in front of me, you act how you want to act, not how I would like you too."

"Around you I can be myself, my true self. You brought out some parts of me that I didn't know existed. And due to that I like you so much. I like you more than a friend. I know I said that I didn't in the past, but that was because I was scared. You never really showed that you liked me back, so I assumed you didn't. I really didn't want to make a fool out of myself by confessing to you and then ruining our friendship. In the end I couldn't hold it anymore and said it. I'm so happy that I did that." Taehyung took Jeongguk's hands in his and smiled brightly.

"Yeah, I remember that day, I was so disappointed. Jimin has been bugging me to confess to you for ages and when I finally find the courage, you friendzone me." both boys laughed together.

"You too? Jimin has been bugging me too. When will you do it? I can't take it anymore. Bla bla bla." Taehyung imitated Jimin's voice, which made them both laugh even more.

"He was so angry when neither of us confessed." he chuckled when he remembered Jimin's angry face.

Taehyung watched Jeongguk's happy face and smiled himself. These were the moments he liked making with Jeongguk. It didn't have to be something big, just a conversation about their hyung was enough to make it special. Everything Taehyung did with Jeongguk felt special.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" finally asked Taehyung. Jeongguk stopped laughing and wiped the tears that escaped his eyes.

"Hmm?" Jeongguk looked up at Tae. The look in his eyes was making Jeongguk blush.

"I like spending time with you, even we aren't doing much. Just being with you makes me happy. I really like you."

Another tear rolled down Jeongguk's cheek. But this tear was different from others.

"I like you too." replied Jeongguk and hugged Tae tightly.

Taehyung embraced him with his arms and held him tightly. Even if Taehyung wanted to stay like this, he still wanted to recieve an answer from Jeongguk.

"So will you be my boyfriend?" Taehyung asked again.

Jeongguk smiled and shrugged. "I don't know, will I? What would I get from dating you?"

Taehyung laughed loudly and captured Jeongguk in between him and the mattress again. He leaned in and kissed Jeongguk. When Taehyung pulled away, Jeongguk replied.

"Yeah, I could get used to this."

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