Dave u fucking made me fall in love with you and when you had gotten enough sexual pleasure u just left me?
You sure hell are gonna regret this
Miss james? I hear my name being called and i suddenly realize im in class oh and worse im crying
I quickly wipe the tears off my face and see that the whole class was paying attention to me
Im sorry sir i say meaning it
He gives me a slight nod and turns back to continue the lecture
So substitute x for y and put in the available variables and there u have it problem solved Mr charles our math teacher says
I just wanna go back to my dorm
Already feel sick just cause of the thought of Dave again
Honestly i still love him
No matter how hard i try he just always sticks in my dumbass head and arrrrrrghhh it fucking pissese me off
You cant blame me tho
He was my first in everything
My first kiss
My first bestfriend
Did literally everything with him
I miss him
Buh i wont admit that
Ill never let him know i still love him
I will get over him
I know i will
Ĭ ĥãvê ţö
Buh for now i dont love him
This world sucks