Chapter 45: Who Are We Killing First?

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Her hand ran over my chest, gripping at the vest and her lips on my neck.

It felt so good.

I ran my hand up her waist and felt the pierce of her fangs. She pulled back, her face covered in blood, my blood.

"You ready to be a vampire?" She asked seductively before she bared her fangs at me.

"No!" I shouted springing from the bed.

Anne was asleep still, her face calm and soothed, fucking hell. What a god damn nightmare. I ran my hand over my neck, good, still human.

Sighing in relief, I stood out of the bed and went to the bathroom washing my face and staring at the sunlight beaming through the window.

My reflection looked back at me with slight unfamiliarity. My hair was now long enough to run a hand through it, sure it wasn't as long as Michaels Disney Prince hair, but it was long enough for me to think it's long.

Rummaging through the drawers, I took my shirt off and grabbed out the scissors cutting my hair to its normal very short length.

The door opened and I quickly pinned the body to the wall placing the scissors at their neck.

Anne glared at me and gave me a look of disbelief. Shit.

Putting her down, she scowled and adjusted her shirt, "Warn a girl, would you?" She asked going to the other sink and staring at her reflection. "Oh god." She said scrunching her face in disgust at her reflection.

I continued cutting and then put the scissors down. She picked them up and stared at her hair pulling it over her shoulders. Her hair reached her waist, but I watched as she cut it to her ribs and cocked her head to the side before cutting the front of her hair, she gave herself side bangs and smirked, "I like having the power to cut my hair and know that you're the only one will see it, at least until it grows out." She said laughing.

Wait, till it grows out?

"How long do you plan on staying?" I asked.

She put the scissors down and then looked to her hair and cut it to her breast. She shrugged, "Maybe a month? Two? I'm going to kill them." She said eyeing her hair as she cut it to her shoulders now.

I wanted to say stop, stop cutting, but she looked really good with her hair that short.

She eyed it carefully and I took the scissors watching her laugh and then run her fingers through her hair, "Kill who?" I asked.

Anne looked over at me, "Vladimir, Vayne, Nyx, and well...everyone I have to I guess. I realized last night that this is the first time I've been able to actually do what I've been dying to do. Of course I'm not expecting you to stay along, or to come along. In fact I already packed you a bag while you were asleep." She said gesturing to the bedroom, "You can leave and just head east, stay close to the forests and try to avoid dying." She added.

Anne rummaged through the drawers and grabbed out a thing of toothpaste and smiled widely at the packaged toothbrush as she opened it, "Oh thank god." She said laughing and putting toothpaste on the toothbrush.

"I'm not leaving you alone to fight them Angel." I said watching her laugh short and cock an eyebrow at me and then finish brushing her teeth before spitting and rinsing.

She put the toothbrush down and looked over at me for a strong minute, obviously pondering what she'd say. "Listen, Val, you're a great guy. Truly, you are, and any girl would be super lucky to have you. But I already have a man I'm immensely in love with. I'll never leave Michael, I'll never cheat on Michael, nothing will ever happen between us." She said catching me way off guard with that one.

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