Chapter 3: What the hell?

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YOU LEFT ME,WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME! WHAT KIND OF 'PARENTS' DOES THAT! You had no idea how scared I was, I was at home ALL ALONE! With nobody, with nothing... I felt a tear streaming down my face and wiped it away. "We didn't exactly leave you. We had no choice. It was for your own safety." Said my mom slowly and calmly. "You don't understand Nohana, something happened to you, we had no other choice than to leave you." Said dad. Wow he wasn't yelling this time.I thought to myself. Tell me what happened! What the heck do you mean you 'had to leave me' it was your choice to leave me! "You got kidnapped!" dad yelled out. I looked at mom, she had a horrible "why did you tell her" face on. My parents started arguing. They both talked at the same time, all I understood was "you shouldn't have told her" "she had to know!"
I started to cry. I couldn't help it. I got kidnapped? How come I don't remember... My thoughts started to get so complicated, I didn't even know what to do with myself at this point. Should I tell them to stop? Leave them being? I don't know what to do. At this point and time, I rather be with Ms.Fre-

"HELP! HELP US PLEASE!" I opened my eyes to a horrifying scream from mom. "Wtf" I said to myself. "Nohana baby, are you okay?" She said super slowly, it sounded like she was in pain. I mean of course she was in pain! We are upside down! "Mom, what happened?" I said in curiosity. "We got in a car accident, your dad is unconscious and is bleeding a lot!" She started crying. I told her to calm down while I unbuckled my seat belt, I fell directly to the roof of the car. "OWWW" I screamed. There were glass pieces everywhere, I just so happened to land on a pile of broken window pieces. I could feel my blood rushing down. I got dizzier and dizzier every second. "C-c-call 9-1-1" that was the most painful thing ever. Talking while your whole back is bleeding like crazy. My vision got blurry and I couldn't hear clearly, but I heard mom say "hang on there baby, I'll get help right away. I love you." After that, everything was pitch black.

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