Chapter 4 Kirishima

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The reason Kirishima joined the villains side is long and complicated. It all started when he met an explosive blond and everything went from there. But we'll get into that later.

He walked down the dimly lit hallway. Towards the office of the one person he got along with best. A mask covering his face. He knocked on the door before he entered. The temperamental man in the office was looking out the window with a scowl on his face.

He turned towards Kirishima and the scowl softened a bit.
"How'd it go?" He asked before he walked infront of his desk.
"It was a success. Ojiro has infiltrated and is prepared to aid Mina when needed." He answered with his arms straight next to his sides.

"Good, that's good. Are you ready for tonight?" The man asked as he walked back around and began typing and clicking things on his computer.
"Yes sir. It will be so satisfying to watch his blood spill from his neck, the color of his name. Crimson Riot." Kirishima said with a gleam in his eyes. Before he had admired the hero but then he found out that Crimson Riot wasn't as manly as he seems. He did drugs and was secretly helping a criminal organization. Heroes were forever ruined for Kirishima.

Tonight they were gonna spill his blood. Nothing had been done about him, the general public didn't even know. Kirishima only knew because he met him and followed him one day because he had a question, then he found out the dirty truth. He was on their hit list.

If Crimson died not only would the info be revealed but people would start losing faith in heroes. Which was their plan that they've been working on for 2 years and are now starting the process.

"I can't wait." They both spoke.

A woman drove an inconspicuous van as she pulled into an alleyway, from there into a parking garage. Once she got to the top where there were no cars, two men got out.
"Have fun guys!" The raven haired woman called as she climbed into the back where a few computers were located. Kirishima waved happily and Bakugo grunted.

"Is everyone in position?" Bakugo asked over his head piece.
"Good to go."
"Are you set up yet Sero?" The blond asked.
"Yep. Locked and loaded." Came the response.
"Alright good. Tsu, go." He said as he and Kirishima jumped off the garage onto the next building and towards Crimson Riot's hero agency.

There was a press conference meeting going on at CR's agency. Its already been going for a few hours. Tsu was posed as a reporter and was to make sure he walked out the correct exit. Tokoyami was to cause a commotion that would have Crimson Riot come running out the right door, but to awaiting hands. Sero was to make sure Crimson died just Incase and to stop anyone from getting to close. Kaminari was to cut the power to cause confusion. Momo was to watch the cameras, Bakugo and Kirishima were to kill CR.

"Go!" Bakugo commanded. Tokoyami began his attack. Tsu approached CR after the first tremors began. She informed him of the villain and started asking questions.
"Where is this?" Crimson Riot asked the woman before him.
"Main and third." She replied. Suddenly the power was cut off. Exit signs showed. Spotting the one he wanted he ran towards it. Completely unaware the woman was following him.

"Everything's a go." She said into her head piece as she followed him into the hallway. Her quirk preventing him from hearing her. He came out into an alleyway and turned right. He felt something hit the back of his head. It felt blunt.

Now disoriented, Crimson Riot turned around to see a man in a costume similar to his own. His face obscured by a mask, but the red hair was a dead give away.
"Y-Your Red Riot!" He said as he held the back of his neck. The man said nothing. Suddenly he felt an explosion hit his back. Spinning around he faced the new opponent.
"Shut the fuck up loser." The man said. He looked like a literal human grenade. His blond spiky hair and the man he was with gave him away.

"Ground Zero! What are you two doing here?! I don't have time for this! I'll beat you here and now and get this over with!" While he was facing Bakugo he forgot about the redhead behind him. Suddenly he felt something cold on his wrists. Anti-quirk cuffs. He felt Red Riot press his hand to his throat.
"Goodbye you piece of shit." Was the last words he heard before Kirishima activated his quirk. Making his skin sharp, and slit the hero's throat.

"Well that was easy." Bakugo said as he looked down at the dead man. "Wimp. Here I expected more. Ducking useless." He muttered as he stomped away into the darkness. Kirishima looked back at the dead man once more before being enveloped.
Tokoyami ceased his attack and left before the pros could even get there. Sero shot someone coming out of a door nearby Bakugo and Kirishima before they could see what was happening. Momo erased all video evidence. Tsu went back into the main room before she got caught.

And it was only a few hours later before Crimson Riot was discovered dead, along with the man who almost saw what was happening. The killers were unknown. Coverage of the incident was everywhere. The unknown murder of Crimson Riot. Could it be linked with other murders, who could be the killer, are people safe, how long until their next strike, blah blah blah.

"Satisfied?" Bakugo asked back in office attire. Walking through the building with Kirishima also in office attire next to him.
"Very much so." He said with a sadistic grin.
"Glad to here it." He said back. At the office Kirishima was Bakugo's bodyguard. Anytime else he was his partner in crime.
"Well let's go home. I'm tired." Bakugo said as he made his way towards the garage. Oh they also live with each other.

"But you never go to sleep." The redhead said as he reached the car.
"Shut it Shitty hair! I don't need your opinion." The blond snapped but Kirishima just smiled at him.
"Sure you do! Otherwise you wouldn't know how to deal with people, not to mention pick a torture device." He responded with a smile. The blond grumbled as he got in. They argued all the way home.

At a bar.
"It looks like it's time to move up the next phase seeing Bakugo and Kirishima killed Crimson Riot without problem. Next up on the hit list... Mount Lady." Midoriya said with a sadistic, crazed smile on his face as he stared down at a picture of their next target. A man stood in the corner, waiting for his next command.
"Todoroki." He said. The man stepped forward. "Tell the boys I'll be helping with this one, it's been awhile since I've been able to spill someone's blood."
"Yes sir." Todoroki promptly left. Midoriya stood up and walked down a hallway, whistling tiptoe through the tulips to himself. Then started mantically laughing, much to the horror of his captive.

"Ah ha. You'll find that people are a bit crazy around here." Midoriya said stopping to look at the woman bound and gagged in the corner. She had been crying. She's been tied up for days. Before that she was held in a cell. Midoriya walked over and removed his glove to reveal a nasty cut he received earlier from a gang. It was still bleeding. He removed the bandage and wiped blood down the woman's face before he squeezed it.
"You'll get used to it. Maybe. Depends on when I decide to kill you." He roughly let go of her face and continued laughing and whistling down the hallway.

The woman cried silently and prayed to God to save her. But her prayers won't be answered. Because no one is coming to save a woman who's been missing for 2 years.

A.N. 1366 words! I'm so tired! I hope you like the new chapter! I've been having major writers block! I'm going to bed...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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