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(Y/n)s POV

"What. The. Fuck?" Benicio said.

"Oh, you must not have known." I said, shrugging, "My brother. The sweetest man ever, is Abel Angel..

"WHAT?!" Benicio yelled, "I HATE THAT ANGEL!" I froze and my fist shook. 

"Don't you FUCKING DARE TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT!" I yelled. He jumped back. "If your gonna talk about him like that, you can leave."

"Ok." Benicio left, not wanting to fight.

Benicios POV

I sighed as I walked down the sidewalk. I walked into someone.

"Hey! Demon boy! Watch it!" The person screamed. Wait. That's Abel.

"Hey, Abel, I meet your sister." I said standing up. He was surprised when I mentioned his sister.

"How do you know her?" He said, glaring at me.

"We met at Moons." I said, "She didn't really talk to me, just got drunk and her mob gave me her phone number and address." 

"Where does she live anyways? Haven't seen her in years." Abel asked. I handed him a piece of paper with her address. He hugged me and ran. I was frozen on the side walk.


I was still confused. Why had he hugged me? I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone hit me. 

"Boss, you've been frozen since 10 AM. Its midnight." My right hand man said. I started walking with him. "What happened?"

"I was at Abels sisters house. When I left I ran into Abel, gave him her adress, he hugged me and bolted to her house." I said. He stopped and looked at me. "What?"

"HE HUGGED YOU?!" He screamed. I sighed and nodded. He started freaking out.

"Yup. I did." Abel said from behind us. I jumped away. His sister was with him.

"That's something I never thought would happen." (Y/n) said. She glared at me.

"Jeez dude, what's you do? Shes not the type to hold grudges against people." Abel said.

"I may or may not have told her I hated you in front of her face..."

"She must really hate you then." Abel said. "But that's good because then she won't care if I hurt you." 

"Yeah, I don't care if he hurts you. As long as he doesn't kill you." (Y/n) said.

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