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Hello everyone! 

Welcome to the second book of my series that started with Glory in Our Defiance. Thank you so much for sticking around for the sequel! 

The story starts around 4 years after the epilogue from GIOD so in 1493. We will see some new characters, but mostly we will meet our old heroes and their enemies too. There are gonna be new antagonists that were introduced in GIOD as just any other characters but now they play a bigger role.

The chapters here are gonna be quite long so there won't be many of them but a LOT will happen, trust me.

I hope you enjoy this story, I'm really excited about writing it and I can't wait to read all of your comments and theories.

Thank you and enjoy! Love you all! 

The Decorum of Warfare - Zarry - GIOD SequelWhere stories live. Discover now