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[A/N] I really got to stop with making new stories especially when I haven't finished even one but whatever *shrugs shoulders* anywhore I hope you enjoy

It was a warm, bright, sunny day in April when Aiden realized he was lonley. No, he didn't wake up one morning thought 'hey you know what I'm fucking lonely bro' no it was way different from that. He realized it when he saw a couple sitting on park bench feeding each other ice cream as cheesy as that sounds. And that was when he realized he is fucking lonely and it wasn't because he was alone. No because he took pride in being alone but not so much as being lonely.

He admits sometimes it does get boring being alone so much but he doesn't mind. No doesn't mind at all. But what he does mind is being lonely that's for sure. But that all changes for Aiden when he meets a boy named Cyrius because when he's with Cyrius he doesn't feel so lonely. And that's a good thing because he wants to destroy the thought of being lonely. But still wants to be alone in way even as weird and crazy as that sounds.

The way he meets Cyrius is...well not that extraordinary. There was no bumping into each, there was definitely no love at first sight, it happened much more simpler than that. It happened when Aiden was math class and thought how much he fucking hated math, it wasn't the work ok he's lying it was half of that, but it was mostly the class or to be specific the people in the class. So when Cyrius ask him if he had a pencil he could borrow to say he was surprised was an understatement. Because the last time he checked nobody gave a damn what Aiden did or said. So being the nice person he is gave him a pencil, and while he did so Cyrius asked what his name was. Aiden replied with well Aiden, Cyrius said cool and they both went back to doing their work.

So yeah I guess you could say that was the start of their friendship and the start of the end of Aiden's loneliness.

[A/N] sooo I made another story and its boyxboy or in other words gay and to be honest its my first time writing boyxboy so right now I'm testing the waters and I guess I wanted you guys comment on what you think. And do you guys listen to one direction? And if you do whats your top 3 favorite songs from Four because let's be honest you listened to it when it leaked. My favorite top three are a Fool's Gold, 18, and last but not least No Control. Oh there might be possible smut but there might not I don't know. And I love all the songs from Four just to clear that up. Oh can any of you guys like possibly make a cover for me if not thats fine. Don't you love I think that people will reads this....yeah me too. So yeah I guess this is the end of this author's note. Love ya guys -A

P.s. Don't forgot to follow, comment, and vote

P.p.s. I may or may not have wrote chapter eight of The Asylum.

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