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[A/N] this song has nothing to really do for the chapter but listen to it anyways if ya want and the house is what Cyrius's house looks like btw

[Aiden's Pov]

I took his hand in mine and began walking to his car, but I stop because I have absolutely no idea what his car looks like or even if he drives to school.

"Hey, why did you stop walking?" Cyrius asks.

"Um I really don't know what your car looks like or even if you drive a car." I rub the back of my neck with the hand that wasn't holding his.

"Well you're in luck because I actually live a block from the highschool so I mainly walk." He smiles with his teeth showing.

I smile and he takes the lead so we can head to his house. While we're walking I notice that today is really pretty. This sky is really blue and there's not a cloud in sight, there's also nice breeze going. There's some flowers here and there, the grass is a nice shade of green too. Being it in the spring and all. The sun gives a nice warmth to the spring air.


"Hmm? What? What's wrong?" I question.

"Nothing it's just that we arrived at my house and you're also pretty by the way," he smirks.

I gaped at his house because its really fucking nice looking. I regain my composure. But I look at his house a little more and can't help but to think it looks a little haunted.

"You have a nice house and sorry to say this but is it haunted?" I wince.

"Thank you and no it isn't haunted. Though it would be cool if it was," He reassures me and turns the door handle so we can enter the house.

I step inside and was hit with the smell of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven. I'll have you know I absolutely love chocolate chip cookies.

"Hey honey how was school?" I'm assuming his mother asks from the kitchen. He turns to me and smiles before gesturing to the kitchen. I follow him to the kitchen, which so happens to be the delicious smell of cookies are coming from.

His mom doesn't seem to notice us at first until Cyrius coughs very loudly.

"Hi sweety- oh who's your friend?" She smiles politely. Before I can introduce myself he does it for me.

"Mom this is Aiden, Aiden this is my mom Stephanie or you can call her Ms. Helps." He introduces us.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Helps." I smile.

"Ohh don't call me that makes me sound so old, so call me Stephanie instead sweeheart I don't mind. Oh I have to go to the store to get some groceries and the cookies should be done in five minutes, and please Cyrius try not to burn the house down," she says while taking the her car keys and walking out the door.

"She always thinks I'm going to burn down the house," he says while sitting on top of the kitchen counter. I stand there awkwardly for awhile till I decide that I just sit at the kitchen table. We sit in silence for awhile but that's broken when the timer for the cookies go off.

I watch Cyrius hop off the counter and get the pair of oven mitts, and take out the cookies that are on the cookie sheet. He gets a spatula and scraps the cookies one by one and put them on a plate that was already out. He carries the plate to the kitchen table and sets it down before sitting himself in one of the chairs.

"So after we eat probably this whole plate of cookies because we're teenage boys and we're hungry as fuck 24/7. Do you want to build forts and have a war with paper airplanes?" He says before taking a bite of the freshly baked cookie.

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