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[A/N] I really got to put songs that have to do with the chapters but I don't lol

[Aiden's Pov]

I walked into my humble abode and was tackled to the floor by my dog. Gah damn, this dog is fucking heavy. I internally groan with disgust when he slobberly licks my face.

"Stiles, get off the poor boy," my mama says from a distance. I finally can breathe right again when he gets off of me. I get up from the ground and wipe off the slobber from my cheek, ew. I look to my mama and see that she is giving sort of a glare.

"Aiden me and your mom want to have a talk with you. Would you please meet us in the kitchen?" She asks. I swallow thickly and give a slight nod. My heart is beating so loud it feels like mini drums are beating inside of me. I walk reluctantly to the kitchen, I see my mom sipping a cup of probably coffee while sitting at the table.

"So Aiden is there anything--wait is that a fucking hickey on your neck?" My mom says as she eyes my neck. My hand flies up to attempt to hide the hickey but I fail because they have seen it. So I let my arm rest at my side and I nod weakly. No point in lying right?

I hear my mom sigh and she gives my mama a look only they understand. They nod to each other before looking at me. I start to sweat under their gazes because things can go either bad or good or maybe even, possibly worse.

"Look honey, we're not mad, we're just upset that you didn't tell us where you were going. And you also didn't pick up your phone and by looking at the hickey on your neck, we can tell why. But still you could at least called or texted us in advance, because as your moms we worry and we also don't want anything bad to happen to you," my mama smiles warmly. Well that went better than expected.

"I agree with your mama, you should tell us where you're going so we won't report a missing person. And trust me I really wanted to," my mom laughs softly and I can't help but to notice the fondness in my mama's eyes.

"So what I'm getting at is that I'm off the hook?" I smile sweetly. They look at each other once again and then they look at me, and nod. My face splits into a smile because I seriously thought they would ground me or something. I start to make my way upstairs, when my mom's voice stops me.

"Aiden, we...never mind we'll talk about it later okay." She gives me a reassuring smile. I give her a confused look but nod anyways. I continue my way to upstairs and from behind me I hear the pitter patter of my dog's feet behind me.

I finally enter my room with Stiles in tow and when he does he just jumps on my bed and lays down, I shake my head because honestly he's kinda lazy but he's also easy to take of. I take off my clothes and put on some black sweatpants and a white t-shirt, probably should take a shower, mmm I'll do that tomorrow. And besides I have date with Cyrius...wait I have a date with Cyrius tomorrow. What am I gonna wear!?

Calm down Aiden, just calm down. Breathe in and out, in and out. Good you're making progress. I lay on my bed and get on my phone to see if I got any texts. Oh cool, I got four texts from Luka and one text from Cyrius. I check the ones from Luka first.

Partner in Crime: Ayy what's up?

Partner in Crime: never mind your probably with Cyrius

Partner in Crime: I bet you and Cyrius are doing the dirty aren't you

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