Chapter 3

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When they had went downstairs Daven's mother had sat at the head of the table as she sipped her drink and glared at Athena as she sat down.

''I see you didn't get rid of that bitch like I told you Daven''

'Ma this is my girlfriend and you will treat her with respect.'

Daven's mother laughed in hysterics and amusement while eating.

''You think I would ever in my life give respect to a bitch like that you both make me sick.''

Daven walked behind his mother he pointed the gun towards the back of her head as he cocked it back and applied 5% pressure the bullet missed and grazed just past her ear as she screamed out in terror as she dropped to the floor.

That's when Athena did the unexpected she grabbed a knife from the cabinet then stabbed Daven's mother 97 times as she covered her up in a cloth sheet and threw her body inside her pickup truck....

What they didn't know was that someone was and always would be watching....

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