"A split second can change a whole lifetime"People called him rough around the edges; when they were being nice. But they were never nice. Being ignored and given irritable and disgusted looks was Harper's Monday morning. Working at the only place that's would take him, he made his way to the docks to meet Larry. Larry was the only one in this town that didn't treat him like a criminal.
"I've finished cleaning up the bait cans."
Looking through the lens of his glasses, Larry put down the papers that filled his hand onto his desk. "Good. A new boat was docked yesterday night. Could you check it out and see if there's anything that needs repairing."
No questions asked, he left Larry's office. If he was the young 14-year-old he once was, he would've asked who owned the boat and whether the person was new to Danbury but prison had a way of killing one's curiosity.
Plugging in his earphones to block out the noise or rather the insults of his fellow co-workers, especially Jack who had to remind him every day that he was a good-for-nothing prisoner and always will be; he got on with his work.
Not that it mattered, but the boat was called La Carlisle and it was pure white. Usually, Harper just got on with his work and he never bothered to admire or even give the boat a second glance but he felt like it was calling his name to look at it. Like a serene calling out to him. Voice so loud he couldn't ignore.
And so he didn't. He took his time with that one specifically. Unlike any other one and it was evident that it was new. It was modern but still had something about it that was a little bit old. It was probably the wooden deck beneath and he ran his fingers over the wood. Collecting himself and snapping out of the daze, he did exactly what Larry said he should and it looked like it didn't need anything for the meantime. Because of the way Danbury was, people usually had boats that they sailed during the weekends. There were even competitions among the elite about whose boat was faster. But for him, he had more things to worry about like his meeting with his parole officer, Shawna at 5 pm.
He finished his shift, all while successfully avoiding Jack until his way out. He was just about to deceive himself into thinking his luck had changed on him.
"Try not to commit a crime on your way there." He laughed with the guys around him as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. Pushing past Jack, he tried to get the hell out of there before Jack provoked him. He couldn't afford another offence because he was out on bail and any new offence would send him straight back into prison.
"Do us all a favour and off yourself, would you. Since you're so used to a gun, it won't be too hard." Speeding up his walk, he let the sounds of their laughter die out as he made his way back to Larry.
"Good job. Will I see you tonight?" Larry asked regarding his second job as a bartender. Working the docks wasn't enough to pay his bills so he needed some sort of additional income and seeing as Larry was the only one who would hire him, he asked for a job at his bar as well.
"Yeah, I'll be there. Just have to make a stop at the station at 5. Can you — "
"Already done." Larry handed him the signed form he needed to give to Shawna. He gave a curt nod before he left and sat in the car his father had left for him when he was admitted into the hospital. Small memories filtered in as he closed the car door and looked in the mirror. The man that looked back at him wasn't someone he recognised or even wanted to. That stupid mistake had taken ten years of his life and it could be seen on his face. Or maybe it was the scars that ran from underneath his left eye down to his chin that reminded him of how his mother disowned him when she heard the news. His father was the only one on his side and he would visit him more if the nurses at the hospital didn't hiss and eye him every single time he went by.
**His meeting with Shawna went as expected and she signed him off on everything saying that he was pertaining to the conditions of his bail. He had maintained a job and hadn't committed another offence since then. She warned him about it as usual and he just nodded as he needed to get out of there quickly because all the officers looked like they were ready to shoot and he was target practice.
Changing into a new black shirt to pair with his black jeans, he grabbed his leather jacket and began his walk to the bar. He liked to walk on the bridge at this time of night because it was so calming or maybe it was because no one was there to disturb him. But tonight was different. He didn't know why but after the day he had, he stopped at the end of the bridge, staring into the water. It was like it was calling to him, to end all his problems and just let go.
The thought warmed his mind. Could he really do it? Could he really just drop in and be free? It's not like anyone would miss him anyway. They would all be happy and he could stop this misery that was his life. Only person he thought about was his dad but he would survive. Maybe mourn for a few days, a week max but he would be fine. His own mother wouldn't even give him a second thought. Without realising it, his feet had climbed onto the edge and he actually felt ready. He was ready to drop in and end this prison sentence he called life. Because even though he was out of prison, he still felt caged. Locked and trapped with no way out. This was no way to live.
But a scream threw him back onto the pavement. A scream so loud, so prominent that it shook him. Without realising it, he began running towards the sound of the voice. He began running, not knowing what he was doing but he couldn't stop. It was like the sound pierced his heart and shook him out of that mindset.
He ran a bit to see three guys over a woman. In that second, he didn't feel like himself. One thing he learnt in prison was to not interfere with other people's business. But yet he was already pushing one guy away and punching the other. They ganged up on him, one with a knife and the girl clutching her purse sharply to her chest while hiding behind him.
Ten years in prison can teach one a lot of things. While other people were learning calculus and how to drive a car, he was learning how to fight and defend himself. He had gotten into a number of fights whilst imprisoned so this was a cake walk as he easily disarmed the guy with the knife and banged the other two guys' heads together. It didn't take them long to scramble away in fear and he wasn't even breathing out. He began to walk away when that same voice stopped him.
He had even forgotten that she was there. He thought she ran away when she had the chance. Turning around to face the owner of the voice, he was startled. He knew everyone in this town and he had never seen her before. But it wasn't the fact that he didn't recognise her that startled him, it was her eyes. He had never seen brown eyes so compelling before. They drew him in and he could barely breathe.
He knew it was weird the way he stared at her but she was staring back just as hard. Probably because of the scar that ran down his face, it usually got people looking at him for longer than necessary but he didn't mind her eyes on him. In fact, he didn't want her to take her eyes off him. She didn't look at him like he was a criminal and it was a breath of fresh air for him.
In her eyes, he was her saviour. He rescued her from whatever those guys were planning and he liked it. He didn't know whether it was her sweet vanilla scent or the sharp wind that brought him back to reality.
"Careful around these streets at night."
"Thank you so much for the save. Literally, I owe you. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't come along. I'm new to town."
She was talkative, that was for sure.
Pulling her hair behind her ears, she stretched out her hand, "I'm Dera Tyrone."
His hand found its way to hers and easy engulfed it. He felt a little embarrassed at how his calloused hands felt against her smooth texture. He felt like he could leave his hand there all day. "Harper Williams."
"Alright, Harper. I owe you a drink. Come on."
And just like that, his plans to let go suddenly seemed like a distant memory.
I See You
RomanceOne word changed how people viewed him. One word altered how people interacted with him. That word hung over his head for as long as he can remember. It defined him. It was him. Until it wasn't. Until she saw him and not the word. She saw the p...