Episode 8: Friends old and new reunite

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Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, Cowardly Lion, and Toto were walking on the road until Tom's gang slid down to the road.

Dorothy: Tom, Jerry, Stewie, Brian! You're here too!

Brian: Good to see you!

Tuffy: The twister brought them here too! Name's Tuffy, Ms. Dorothy! I wanna meet the wizard to get some height. Because I am a little small.

Dorothy: That so? My new friends wanna see the wizard too!

Scarecrow: Yup! I'm hoping the wizard will give me some brains!

Tin Man: I want a heart!

Lion: And I need some courage!

Brian: And all I want is for Dorothy, Toto, Tom, Jerry, Stewie and I to get back to Kansas!

Tuffy: Well, let's get to the Emerald City!

Stewie: Right!

Tuffy: I'm afraid there's no denying, I'm small but I'm not crying, it's gonna be alright! I'd be tall as a giant!

Lion: I'd be big and self reliant!

Scarecrow: I'd be smart and rather pliant!

Dorothy: If the wizard's not defiant and will serve.

Scarecrow: Then I'm sure to get a brain!

Tin Man: A heart!

Dorothy: A home!

Lion: The nerve!

Tuffy: Some height!

Everyone (except Tom): We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz! We hear he is a wiz of a wiz if ever a wiz there was! If ever o ever a wiz there was the Wizard of Oz is one because, because, because, because, because...

Brian: Because of the wonderful things he does!

Stewie: We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!

Tom: Wait for me!

Meanwhile with the Wicked Witch

Wicked Witch: Somebody always helps that girl. Yet, I'm still great enough to conquer her! To the Emerald City as fast as lightning.

To be continued...

Next episode Dorothy and the others make it to the Emerald City and meet the wizard. See you next time!

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