12. Story Time

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After the group consisting of four ponies and one Changeling made themselves at home in the Forgotten Castle, Fade prepared something in a small room. He asked the others to meet him in this room at a later time. The other four stepped into it after he was done, and what they saw confused them a little.

"What is all this?" Rosa asked confused as she looked at the middle of the room, where she could see a circle of chairs.

Fade explained. "I want you all to take a seat so that we can each share our stories,"

"Share our stories?" Mystic asked almost offended. "What are we? Colts and Fillies sitting around a campfire? Also...I am not interested in any of your backstories nor do I intend to share mine with you!" He said, making sure that everyone would understand his opinion on this.

Fade slowly walked up to him with a blank expression on his face. "Some of us are more trustworthy than others," he said, obviously hinting at Mystic and Tagma. "You still wanted to ask me something, right? I'm just making sure that I am not answering somepony who I can't trust," he said before he turned to one of the seats and sat down.

Mystic got a little annoyed by hearing those words but eventually, he quietly sat down as well, right on the chair that was on the other end of the circle, away from Fade. The others joined as well. Tagma sat down to Mystic's left and to Fade's right on the only chair that was between them. Rosa sat down to the right of Mystic and Wildheart sat down on her right side between her and Fade.

At first, there was an awkward silence. Wildheart did not bother and Fade wasn't too since he came up with it but the rest seemed a little uncomfortable with it and didn't think that this was a good idea.

Fade looked around him and saw how they all must have felt so he decided to begin. "I'll start..." he said, making it easier for the others to open up as well. "My name is Fade Sol. Just a while ago, I was working under Princess Celestia as the Captain of the Royal Guard. My duty was to serve and protect the ponies of Equestria," he then turned his head towards Tagma with a small glare on his face. "That includes, dealing with threats...like Changelings..."

Tagma made a nervous face to that sentence but then he smiled awkwardly. "Good to know that you are not doing that anymore, right?" He said with an awkward smile on his face.

However, Fade kept his glare up. "Let's just wait until you share your story..." he warned.

Tagma then tried to change the subject. "So what happened? Why are the Royal Guards going after you now?"

Fade continued. "There was an accident...one that I caused, in a way...I think..." he explained, though there was not much to explain, to begin with.

"You think?" Mystic pointed out.

"Let's just say, that I rather want things back the way they used to be..." Fade replied while he looked down at the ground with a frown on his face.

"So that you can return to your precious princess again?" Mystic provocatively said. This caused Rosa to glare at him because of his rude behavior since she had an idea what Fade was talking about.

Rosa wanted to give him a little piece of her mind but Fade replied instead. "No...so that I can see my daughter again..." he said with his eyes still focusing on the ground. Mystic reacted a little surprised to hear that. He turned his head away and was quiet now. "My daughter was unfortunate enough to get caught by a sickness which is just known as "Eternal Slumber","

"Eternal Slumber?" Tagma asked away confused.

Fade explained further. "It's a sickness that prevents one to wake up. My daughter was caught by it for a long time now. There is no known cure for it. I did everything to find a cure for her but it was all in vain," it was obvious that he was not feeling too well telling a bunch of strangers this story but he kept continuing. "The worst part is, that her mother passed away, making me the only family she has. Just thinking about what she will wake up someday and finds out that her father is now a wanted criminal is just..." he stopped in mid-sentence but everyone knew where he was going at.

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