Chapter 2

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Rylan to the side>>>>>


After the initial shock, I stumbled back and fell outside the door. No... that's not possible. The girl was me. I wasn't dead though. I was very much alive! This just didn't add up. I had to find someone, anyone who could convince me that maybe I was going crazy or something. There had to be someone nearby who could tell me what's going on. Seth... yes! He lived close. I could tell him what happened and we could joke about it and then everything would be okay. He always knew how to make everything okay.

I began running, my breath coming out in short pants. The only way home was through the woods, which was another reason why I never went to the boathouse at night. I pushed myself to ignore the numbing pain in my feet, the random snap of a branch, and the bristle of leaves. In ten minutes' time, I was outside Seth's house.
His house was a second home to me. I usually stayed here every night, expect for when my dad was home from traveling. It looked the same as always. It was a small house, in a small neighborhood, in a small town. Something was... off though. Was it the silence I thought I had grown accustomed to? Or, maybe the detachment I began to feel from the rest of the world? Whatever it was, I didn't like it one bit.

I was about to knock on the door. I wanted to, but something was holding me back. I stood still as a silhouette appeared, making its way towards Seth's door. As the street lights shone down, I saw my best friend, Lilly, approach the door. I could see her breath in the air. In fact, she was wearing mittens and a hat along with her favorite pea coat. It didn't make any sense. I felt comfortable in barely anything, and she was bundled up like it was cold outside.

I watched as she knocked on the door. After a few seconds, the door swing open and Seth stood there in pajama pants and a blue tee.

"Jeez. It's freezing out here. What's up Lilly?" Seth rubbed his arms and bounced on his feet.

"Have you seen Maggie? I called her over a million times already. I checked her house, too, and her mom told me she had gone out.
I'm really starting to worry." Her English accent was especially thick tonight.

I almost laughed at her over exaggeration. She tended to do that a lot.

"No, I haven't. She was supposed to come over tonight actually, but she texted me and told she wasn't coming because her dad was home. That was around seven. I haven't heard anything else." He didn't seem fazed in the slightest.

That was a pretty natural reaction, considering I did that quite often whenever my dad came home. But it's funny... I don't recall texting him anything.

"Well, if you hear from her let me know. This isn't like her at all." I decided now would be a good time to intervene.

"Hey guys! I'm right here! How are you cold? It's really warm tonight, actually. You guys won't believe what just happened. I was out at the boathouse and I seriously thought I saw a body. Must have been my imagination though because..." I stopped mid-sentence when I realized they never turned to acknowledge me.

I touched Lilly's shoulder and she shivered, pulling her coat closet to herself. I don't understand...

"Lilly? I'm right here. Seth... Baby it's me." They continued speaking as if I weren't there.

"They can't hear you, you know." My eyebrows furrowed as I slowly glanced over my shoulder at the boy who spoke to me.

"Why... Why not?" My voice quivered.

"Because you're dead, princess. Why else?"

So... It's been quite awhile. Like almost 3 months. And I'm sorry. I was trying to push myself to type this out but I was so busy and when I wasn't, I had no motivation to. But, I FINALLY sucked it up and did it. More chapters to come soon.
P.S. They're short chapters because this is a short story. Therefore, I'm not making them longer. Sorry again.

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