Business Casual

695 16 4

Rhea Rhipley x Walter

In which a business man wishes to get to know his secretary better.

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Rhea Ripley walked into her new job, a receptionist for the company Imperium. She had just graduated college a year ago and was finally getting back on her feet. She hadn't seen any jobs posted that she was interested in. She hadn't met anyone here yet and that scared her.

Rhea wasn't the nervous type, but starting a new job —her first real job— was making her nervous. This wasn't just serving coffee at Starbucks, or folding shirts at Old Navy. This was a business wear people wore designer suits and outfits of such.

Also, that was one thing Rhea didn't like about the company Imperium. The dress code was not her cup of tea. She was excited to start the job, but ugh, the thought of dressing up everyday made her want to throw up. She was more of a ripped jeans and t-shirt kind of girl.

Not anymore.

She had chose a simple, but business outfit. Toni had come over to her apartment the week before to help her shop for her new job. She was wearing black dress pants with a matching black blazer. Underneath her blazer she had a white tank top with a cutout around the chest area. She really hated heels, but here she was wearing them for her first day.

She clutched her bag in one hand as she hit the up button on the elevator. When the doors opened, she noticed a man in there, tall and blonde.

"What floor?" She asked as the doors closed.

"Ten. Are you new here? I don't think I've ever seen you around before."

"Yeah, today's my first day, how long have you been here?"

"Uh, this is my third year. I'm Marcel, by the way," he stuck his hand out for her to shake.

"Rhea Ripley."

"Well, Rhea, I hope you have a great first day on the job."

The elevator doors opened and the two adults stepped out looking at their surroundings. Rhea didn't really know what to expect, this was her first "big office" job. However, now she knew Marcel.

"Hey, Marcel?" She called his name before his was too far gone.


"Do you know the boss of this company? I'm supposed to be his secretary and-"

"Oh my God. You're the new girl Walter was talking about hiring," the man had acted as if a lightbulb had gone off in his head.

She was confused but watched closely as he came back over to her. He smoothed his tie over his dress shirt as he grabbed her wrist to take her to a stairway.

"Walter is the boss and owner of this company. He's also one of my best friends. Anyway, he was going through possible candidates for this job and I remember him saying something about you."

"So is he good to work for, like is he nice?"

"Uh, lets just say he's got a hard exterior. But, once you get to know him, he's probably one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet," he said as he turned on his heel.

She smiled to herself and looked at her phone. She was twenty minutes early, but that was good considering she had to find his office.

Rhea walked down the halls, noticing people answering calls, typing away quickly on their computers, or just standing around chatting with co-workers. She finally reached the office of Walter, noticing it said CEO on the outside of his door.

Rhea knocked on the door and waited for an answer. She hadn't noticed how tightly she had been clutching her bag until now, as she felt the leather drying in her hands.

When the door opened, she was met by a tall man, well over six foot. He had darker hair, matched with dark eyes. His skin was fair, and he had no facial hair. She also noticed he was wearing a black dress shirt accompanied by grey dress pants.

So this was Walter. 

Rhea was never one to become "boy crazy". She had only ever had a few boyfriends, just never having time. She rarely drooled over someone, but this man was different. Walter was towering over her, and Rhea liked the dominant look in his eyes.

"You must be Rhea, come on in."

She followed him in, taking in his minimalistic office. The windows behind his desk were nice and full. However, living in London, it was of course raining. For a minute, that was all she heard. The pinging of raindrops hitting the window.

Then, he spoke up.

"I just wanted to tell you a couple of things before you got started out there," he said as he sat down behind his desk. "One, always have a good presence about you, I've learned it gets more clients. Two, if they sound stupid on the phone, don't page them over to me. And number three..." he trailed off.

Walter couldn't stop staring at her. He never got like this with women, especially after all his relationships had failed. However, this woman was different. He knew it was risky dating someone in the same business as him, but hell, this would basically be the same office as him.

But, she was amazing. He didn't even know her, but she was bringing a certain aura to the room and he didn't know how to feel about it.

"What was number three?" She asked, bringing him back to reality.

"Sorry, number three is always bring coffee."

She smiled and then put her hand out. "It was very nice meeting you."

He shook her hand and it felt right. Her hand fit in his, and it was so cheesy, but it felt right to him. He didn't even know this woman, but he wanted to see where it could go.

"Hey, can I take you out to dinner later tonight? I want to get to know you better."

Rhea smiled as she turned on her heel. "Absolutely. I'd love to have dinner with you."

"We're done here at six. I'll make the reservation for seven."

She opened the door, but turned her head to say one last thing to him. "I can't wait."

Then, she shut the door behind her and took a seat at her desk.

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Hey guys!! I should be updating more!! I hope you enjoyed this one shot!! :)

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