The Last Dance

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  • Dedicated to 102410

One night...

Would I be asking too much from you?

A night with just you and me. No worries and no fear, just the two of us together.

I've been fighting all of my life and right now, I wanted to finally take a rest.

But before I say goodbye, I wanted to do one last thing.

The very first time I saw you, I was mesmerized by your beautiful smile. I always dream that one day you will look at me differently. I prayed that you will notice me and return my feelings for you. You don't know how much I wanted to tell you how I feel. I wanted to be brave and tell you all of this but I'm scared of what you would say.I'm guessing you'll never know all of this because I don't know if I'll ever have the courage to tell you.

To all of the people reading this, I hope you'll wish me luck tonight.

I know I said that I won't go to the prom tonight, but I can feel that I don't have much time left. I need to do this. I don't want to live with regrets anymore. I just hope I won't chicken out the very last minute.

If this will be my last night, that will be such a pity. I'm really looking forward to seeing you wear a suit tomorrow.

Until then, this is Kiera Garcia.

I closed my laptop almost the same time my mother entered my room.

"Kiera honey, You should be sleeping now. You have a long day tomorrow" My mother said while taking away my laptop from me.

I looked at my invitation one last time before speaking.

"Mom, can I please go to the prom"

"Honey you know you can't." She said hesitant

"Mom, Just this once please? This is my last chance"

"Kiera you can't"

"Pleasee.... I wouldnt disobey you anymore after this, just please let me do this"

My mom took a long time thinking on whether or not she will accept my proposal.

"Alright! Just promise me you'll take good care of yourself"

"Yes Mom Thank you so much"

"I'll call your sisters. Maybe they have clothes that they can lend you"

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