New Girl

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Veronica Lodge arrived at the Pembrooke. That is what her mom said it was called. She was not very happy about moving to Riverdale. She grew up in New York and didn't feel like leaving her home. This meant she had to make new friends. But would they like her? Will they be assholes because she likes both girls and guys? Who knows? Guess she has to find out.

Betty was sitting in Pop's all by herself. Like always. She's always by herself. She's been by herself since the middle of Freshman year. Now she's a junior. She's still asking herself how has she made it this far? There was a nasty rumour spread about her. Her friends abandoned her.

She was at Pop's because of her abusive parents. Her father beats her and her mother forces pills down her throat. She was trying to ignore all the voices of other students sitting in other booths.

Veronica walked into a diner called Pop's chocklit shoppe. She noticed kids pointing and laughing at one specific girl who was sitting by herself. She was leaning against the wall and looking out of the window she looked upset.

Veronica's POV

I walked over to her with a smile on my face. "Hey." She looked at me. Her face was covered with confusion. She didn't say anything. "Can I sit?" I ask. She nodded a little. I sat across from her. Man, is she beautiful! Her blonde hair was put up in a nice, tight ponytail. She has beautiful green eyes. She was wearing long sleeves and jeans. "I'm Veronica Lodge." I said. She never looked at me. "And you are?" I asked. "I'm Elizabeth Cooper, but you can call me Betty... if you'd like." She said. She sounded like she'd been crying. At this point I noticed her eyes were red and puffy. She was crying. "Well, Betty, I'm new. I just moved from New York. I was hoping someone could show me around. Are you a Junior?" I asked. She nodded. "Well, would you show me around? I need a new friend after just moving here?" I laughed and smiled. She never smiled. Come on I wanna see that smile. I bet it's beautiful. "Are you willing to do it?" I asked. "Uhh, sure, I guess so." She sounded uncertain. "Take-out for a Lodge!" Someone said. I sighed. "That's me." I said. She didn't say anything. I got up and grabbed the takeout. As I walked out I was stopped by a few girls wearing cat ears on their heads and a couple of dudes. One has red hair and the other is a black hair. I looked at all five of them. "We noticed that you were talking to her." One of the girls say pointing to Betty. "Yea, so?" I asked. "Oh, sorry! Where are my manners! I'm Josie McCoy. These two are Valerie and Melody. These two dumbasses over here are Archie." She says pointing to the red head. "And that's Reggie." "Hey, baby." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Hi. I'm Veronica Lodge and I have to get going." I said. "Well, wait just a second." Josie said. I looked at her. "Don't talk to that one. Unless you want to be contaminated and bullied. I would stay away from her." She said. "Contaminated?" I questioned. "Yeah. I wouldn't go near her." I pushed through them. "See you at school, Veronica." I looked back and both of the guys were looking at me. Reggie winked at me and rolled my eyes and looked away. "Nasties." I said to myself.

I got home and walked straight to my room. "You Okay, mija?" My mom asked coming into my room uninvited. "I'm fine." I said sitting on my bed. She sighed. "Honey, I know when somethings wrong. I'm the mother, Ronnie. You have to remember that. What is it?" She asked again. I sighed and looked at her. "So, I went to picked up the food at Pop's and while I was there, there a girl." I said. "Oh, is my baby already crushing on someone? You've barely been here a full day." She says. "No, mom." I said. She knows I like both guys and girls. She raised her eyebrows. "Ronnie!" She said. "Okay, maybe a little. But, that's not the point." She laughed. "Okay, what's the point?" She asked. "Well, this girl she was sitting all by herself. Like she had no friends. And I don't think she does." "And what makes you think that?" "Well, there were kids pointing and laughing at her. They were whispering. I walked over to her and she barely looked at me. She was upset, mom. I could tell she was crying." I told her. "Well, what do you think you should do?" She asked. "Well, I think I should become her friend, but there was this other girl who told me not to be her friend because I'd be contaminated." I told her. "Well, I think becoming her friend will be good." She said. I nodded. "Yea." I said. "Did she tell you what her name was?" "Yea, she said it is Betty Cooper." I said. "Wait. Cooper?" My mom asked. "Yea, why?" I asked. "No reason." She said getting up and leaving. I was a little confused.

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