Wehn Shaggy ate the queen: the finalmeal

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The queen was having a trash day, first off thanos had tried to eat her child and then shaggy had broken in. Queen fat fuck the fird knew she only has hours left, she packed up her things and called in her children so she could eat them,the younger the better.

Shaggy was searching the palace for the queen when he heard the sound of infants being gobbled, shaggster loved this noise so went to investigate only to find the queen sitting at her desk eating her very own children - shaggy was jealous and a jealous shaggy was a powerful shaggy. With one powerful fart shaggster69 toggle his aimbot and launched into the queen mouth wide open, and with one quick bite the queen was gone.

Shaggy was sad now, he wanted to eat her children too but she already had. Shaggster called in the Royal guard so he could eat them too, but when they came out they shot shaggy, luckily the bullets only got through 12 layers of his skin - leaving 838 layers safe. He quickly gobbled them up.

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