Chapter 11

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April 8th

There were body's sprawled out all over the dorm. Gabriel was knocked out on the dinning table with his legs laying on the chairs. Sam was asleep in the bath tub one leg hanging out with dried drool on his face. Jessica was nicely tucked into Sams bed. Dean was sprawled out in the middle of the room only wearing Castiel's underwear and shorts. Castiel was passed out under Gabriel's bed naked only showing his belly button and up.

A knock made Gabriel jump and rolled off the table landing hard on the floor. Dean opened his eyes and rolled to his side looking up at Gabriel who was struggling to stand up.

"You gunna get that?" Dean asked groggy rubbing his eyes

Gabriel nodded and wobbled to the door, barley opening it. "Sup" Gabriel said alcohol smacking into the mans face

"Here's your PostMates"

Gabriel opened the door more, "Who's name is on it?"

"Uh... a Castiel Winchester"

"Ah okay. Thanks bud" he grabbed it a closed the door

"Castiel Winchester. Hmm. Foreshadowing?" Gabriel smiles looking at Dean

"I wouldn't complain" Dean said sitting up rubbing his head.

He motioned for Gabriel to give it to him. He opened the bag, revealing a unicorn themed dildo. Dean let out a small chuckle throwing his head down and saw bruises on his chest, bite marks and hickeys covered his body ghosting them with his hand. A smile crept over his face. He sat up walking over to Castiel who was passed out and squatter next to him.

"Cas. Babe. Hey wake up" he nudges the man

Castiel swatted his leg and rolled over

"Cas, come on get up."

Castiel groaned, "No"


Castiel rolled over on his back looking up at Dean, "Why so assertive this early?" His voice raspier than usual, making Dean grin.

"Did you order this?" Dean said showing the box

Castiel laughed "Honestly don't remember, probably though"

"What the hell happened last night" Dean said sitting next to Castiel

Castiel stretched and Dean saw his tip, "Oh my god you're naked" Dean said tilting his head to look under the bed. "Butt ass naked"

Castiel laughed pushing himself under the bed more "You're wearing my underwear" he paused "and my shorts, why do you have all my shit?"

"I don't know" he looked around "Where's all my shit at" he paced around the dorm.

Jessica woke up, "Holy shit. I must've blacked out. I don't remember anything." She looked down "Oh hey Castiel"

Castiel nodded and closed his eyes.

Dean looked throughout the whole dorm and couldnt find his clothes.

Fire alarm goes off

"Please exit the building in an orderly fashion. All student are to exit the building." The voice repeated over the intercom.

Sam woke stumbling out of the tub, hit his shoulder on the trim of the door mumbling a string of profanities. He walked out motioning Jessica to get her stuff and leave you him. Jessica and him left. Followed by Gabriel. Leaving Dean and Castiel in the dorm.

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