The Beginning

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Chloe's POV:

Being the new kid at my new school is very challenging, you may be wondering why I moved well that's because I had a hard time at my old school is all I'll tell you all. But to find out that when I walk into my class I see my childhood friend sitting in the class making direct eye contact with me.

I could just go over and slap him. He seems so blind like he don't even remember me but then it hits me, it's been 16 years since we last saw each other. I was only 2 may have not know alot but I did know that this guy was my BFFL (Best Friend For Life).

Austin's POV:

I'm just sitting down minding my own business until a new girl waltz into our class and looks right at me like I know her. I just wanted to burst out laughing but I could not lie she had a nice body figure. Kinda wonder how she would fit in my hands but besides the point she had the audacity to look me right in the eye and my slutty girlfriend did NOT like it one bit.

It looked like she was about to pounce at the poor girl but then Shee speaks in the most cutesy but yet rude tone "hello, my name is Chloe" she looks at everyone shy but yet brave. Am I the only one that finds it sad, that on my first day of school I was such a geek and couldn't say one word with out puking. But now I morphed into a hot ass guy that every girl wants. I'm awesome!!!

Brittany POV:

I can't believe this slut just comes in and looks at MY man and makes good goo eyes. I swear I was going to slap her right then and there but I remembered my babe was behind me and I don't want to make it worse once he finds out I've been cheating on him. But I was nice enough to get up and sit on his lap wiggling my ass on his cock and it was nice to see the look on that girl's face. She was so jealous that I could have sex with him right here and now and she would have to watch being lonely. But sooner then later Austin puts his hand op my skirt and grabbed my ass looking at that slut right in the eye.

She looked so sad! She's so jealous!

Chloe's POV:

I felt like I was going to get sick right then and there. The girl was such a slut and she looks at me like I was invisible.

Looking at Austin like that made me feel like I had a chance with a guy I had a crush on just for laying my eyes on him.

~After class in the girls bathroom~

Austin's POV: I start striping my girlfriend from her clothes and that grabbing her tits like they where nothing while she played with my cock just to hear the door behind me swing open and there lays the hot chick that was in my class. She backs up looking at my cock blushing so I lock my girlfriend in the stall and start walking to Chloe.

She falls to her knees from the fear that was strange but gave me an golden opportunity so I shove my cock in her throat and after some time I cum, but sadly it was on the floor since I didn't want to hurt her. She looked so sexy with her plump lips waiting to be missed so I get down and kiss her but later on she backs up and fleas out of the bathroom.

Chloe's POV:

Did I just give out my first blowjob?!.
I can't believe that just happens but then I see a group of girls walking towards me luckly it was only like 4 girls but they stop and talk to me "hey my name is Lexi. This is Charlie,Sandy and Jess. And you are?" She came off in a bitchy but nice way, kinda the way I act "names Chloe nice to meet ya ig..." I put out my hand and they all shake it but soon we all became close and I actually felt like I got in once in my life..... For now at least...

•hello and thanks for reading might have been a little inappropriate but it was fun any way hope you enjoyed bye•

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