The Omega?!

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Chloe's POV:

It was finally lunch time and I was still so shaken up about what happen in the girls bathroom, but luckily we had Jess for that. She made me laugh but it wasn't for long till they asked me "why do you wear that stupid mask... I started to panic. I never tell anyone but between you and I, I only wear it because it covers my mark from the alpha at my old school that's one reason why i moved. "I just feel and hit my face so it's a little hurt but I'm fine" sad part about it is that the alpha of this school starts walking by and looks at me "nice scent cutie" Austin has the guys to wink at me but it don't matter, I'm just and Omega and I can do NOTHING about it and I mean NOTHING!. All of us girls growl but then he walks over to us and looks at me right in the eye "what ya gonna do about it little Omega..?" He laughs and walks away but the girls look at me like I was some kind of weirdo but luckily we all just laugh it off.

Charlie's POV:

We get done laughing at the alpha for confronting Chloe that she is an Omega, we knew she was by her scent but the looks of the other students were amazing now knowing why her scent was to amazingly attractive.
I look over the Jess and ask "where is Lexi..?" She shrugs her shoulders and so do the others but then I look over seeing her wearing a short short skirt (no panties on so her ass is hanging out) a crop top and pounds of make-up on. We walk over to her and she looks at us scared then taps Brittany's shoulder, the sluts are both looking at us mainly Chloe.

Chloe's POV: I swear how many girls are going to be sluts around here. "Well, well, well look who is hanging out with the slut of the school!" Brittany growls and I growl back but my eye flashes black which makes her back down and whimper causing the Alpha to walk out and look amazed.

Austin's POV:

I was walking by the garden when I see Brittany on her knees in front of Chloe with her growling and Brittany whimpering. I laughed and Brittany looked at me like I was puppy chow to her. I see that Chloe's eye is black and then mine flashes to, I can't believe my mate is supposed to be an Omega is the one thing that kept running through my mind the whole time. I grab Chloe and look at her in the eyes an she calms down standing behind me nuzzling her nose into my back. To be honest it was cute especially since she was so much shorter than m, but Brittany lost it "your so dead babe" I look at her with my head cocking to the side "oh hunny I'm not dating you anymore" she gets up and tells in my face "who is it?!" I smiles and turn around kissing Chloe "Chloe is my new girlfriend" Brittany lunges for Chloe but....

•guess what happens next and please tell me if there should be a gay or lesbian couple thx bye•

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2019 ⏰

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