The Birth

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Okay Kim I know it hurts but you've got to breathe " Jack said soothingly to his laboring girlfriend.
"Oh god, OH GOD! Aghhhhhhh" Kim screamed from the pain. Giving birth was no easy task, especially not for a 15 year old. It was a science experiment done by the scientists at Seaford university that got her pregnant. Screw Jack for convincing her to do this.
"Just a three month pregnancy," he had said, "it'll be over before you know it, And besides, the baby will be the developed to the age of a 15 year old in only two years. We get a free vacation up north and $10,000 from doing it! It'll be awesome!"
And now he she was in a freaking igloo in Alaska giving birth with only her boyfriend to help her.
She breathed heavily, wincing at the pain.
"Jack-" she gasped as another contractions hit," ugh! Jack, I can't do this!"
"Yes you can, baby, yes you can!" He squeezed her hand and rubbed her stomach," you are strong. This baby needs you now. You've got to do this for the baby. I'm here to support you the whole way."
She looked into his eyes. She could do this. She COULD do this. For the baby. For their family.
"Okay, Jack, I'm ready to push" she sat herself up against the pillow. Jack helped her prop up her legs. She breathed deeply, trying to control her breathing through the pain.
Jack sat in between her thighs. Putting one leg on either side of him, He massaged her pelvis.
"Okay Kimmy, when the next contraction hits I want you to push with all of you've got"
She took a deep breath as she felt another contraction and bared down. She felt the baby move down her birth canal. The pain was intense, but she pushed nonetheless.
"Ughhh," she groaned.
"good job, Kim, you've gotta do it again for me, baby."
She braced herself for the next contraction.
"Okay babe, push. 10-9-8..."
The pain was worse than ever before. She felt her vaginal skin start to stretch and pull.
"Come on Kim, I can see the head!"
She kept pushing. Tears started to fall down her face.
"Jack-" she cried," it hurts...really bad."
"I know baby. Just take a break and breath. But you've gotta keep on pushing. It's gonna be okay," he leaned up and kissed her softly. She about bit him as a contraction hit mid kiss.
"Push Kim, push!"
She bore down as hard as she could. The pain was excruciating. She felt her skin tear.
"One more, Kim, one more push and the baby will be out."
She gasped for breath. Her heart raced.
And she pushed so hard she started to see stars. She felt the baby's shoulders come out and she bore down as hard as she could.
Moments later she heard the joyous cry of a baby.
"It's a girl, Kim, it's a beautiful baby girl!"
She smiled as darkness clouded her vision and she passed out.

Kim awoke early the next morning and looked over at jack. He was cooing at their baby who was sleeping on his chest. She admired how her big tough wasabi warrior boyfriend was so gentle with their newborn. She sighed. Jack looked over at her.
"Good morning lovely. How are you feeling?" He whispered
"Not very good, actually." Kim was throbbing in her pelvic area, "giving birth sucks."
She pushed herself up and kissed her boyfriend and then her new daughter.
"We still need to name her you know,"she Laid her head next to the baby's , "I was thinking something that starts with an 'm'"
"Mim," Jack replied.
"Mim?" Kim was confused
"Mim. Kim with a 'm'" Jack smiled with his mischievous smile.
"You know, I actually like it. Mim Brewer." Kim smiled at Mim
"Little Mim, " jack cooed, "a unique name for a unique little baby"
Very unique indeed, Kim thought to herself, a baby that turns into a 15 year old in 2 years.
Kim was saddened by the thought that she wouldn't be able to be there for those two years. The conditions of the science experiment were that she carry the baby but give the child up to a family for at least until her developmental age was 15, after that mim only had to spend two weeks with her birth parents. From there, it was Mims choice whether or not to keep in touch. Kim and jack would get pictures and regular updates but they couldn't talk or communicate with mim herself for the first two years.
For now, the new family had two weeks together before the helicopter came to pick up And separate the new family.
"I don't want to give her up, Jack" Kim bit back tears, " I don't think I can give up my baby."
"Kimmy..."Jack sighed, "I don't want to either babe...but we have to. There is a family in Tennessee and they are expecting her. They need a baby just as much as we do. We signed the papers. We have to... At least for two years."
Kim's tears fell onto jacks chest. Mim cooed at her mother.
"Kimmy don't cry. Think of how hard it would be to raise mim AND do highschool. It's better this way"
"Hard but-but possible" she cried.
A tear fell from Jack's eye; he looked away.
"But it's better this way..."

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