Growing Up

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Jordan cradled the precious bundle in the car.
"Hey little mim,"she coed at her new child. Not every 15 year old got a baby to take care of. She was very lucky. She got to spend AT LEAST two years with this little girl. She would be able to witness a whole developmental childhood of this precious being by the time jordan was 17. It was amazing to her. And to think that her child would be a genius! Wow. Her child. HER child. It made her all giddy inside just thinking about the fact the SHE had a child.
Jordan brought Mim home. Before long mim was asleep on Jordan's chest, "goodnight, little mim. This is a new start to a great era. Goodnight, little Mim Chambers."

As the days went on Mim developed steadily, proving the scientists were right about her being a genius. She excelled in all areas of school and was already doing Jordan's level of school work before the developmental age of 7. Mim excelled in the arts, especially in music. She was writing her own pieces on the piano before the developmental age of 9. Life was going great for Jordan and Mim, until Jordan got sick...very very sick. Jordan was diagnosed with anorexia when mim was developmentally 10. It was hard for Mim to understand why her Jordy was so skinny, or why she kept bruising so easily, or why she had to quit the soccer team or why she couldn't run without passing out. Jordan got so sick she was sent away to a hospital. The day Jordan left was very vivid in Mim's memories. She remembered the long car ride to drop Jordan off, she remembered having Jordan fall asleep on her shoulder and Mim looking at her small and frail body, wondering if she'd ever pull out of this. Tears started to fall down her cheeks. Jordan awoke and looked at her precious mim with concern.
"Mim, sweetheart, what's wrong?" Jordan put her arm around mim, pulling her close.
"Jordy,"she whispered,"promise me you'll never leave me. "
"Sweetheart you know I'd never leave you," she kissed mim's forehead, "together, forever and always, remember?
"I love"
It was traumatic for mim. She got very depressed. One night, the pain got too much for her. little Mim Chambers grabbed a knife and dared to drag it across her wrist. Once, twice, three times. Anything to ease the agonizing pain inside her. By the age of 12, she had become addicted to hurting herself. Soon after, Jordan came home. Mim was too scared to tell Jordy about what she had done to herself...or what she was doing to herself. Jordan was 17 now. Jordan got better, but Mim got worse. When mim was 14, Her addiction almost killed her. She cut too deep, severing the main artery In her arm. She lay, unconscious and bleeding out in the closet of Jordan's room. Jordan walked in the room after school, looking for Mim.
"Mim? Babe, where are you?" She looked around. She saw a pool of red seeping out of her closet.
"Mim?" She opened the closet door, only to find her precious daughter in the floor in a pool of blood with a knife in her hand
"oh my god. Mim." She was shocked. How could she not see it? She had seen the marks but had always been too scared to ask about them, "Oh my God. MOM! MOM CALL 911! ITS MIM!" She burst into sobs, and gathered her daughter into her arms," common mim, don't leave me not. You can't leave me. Forever and always." She held the girl tight and rocked her back and forth, sobbing and praying until the ambulance showed up.

Jordan sat in the hospital room next to her unconscious daughter lying on the bed. The timing for this to happen was horrible. It was literally two weeks before the two year mark of her having Mim. It was time for Mim to return to her birth parents. Jordan hadn't even gotten the chance to tell Mim. She looked at her sleeping Mim.
" I'm do sorry, baby," she kissed her forehead, I haven't been a very good mother lately..."
Mim opened an eye, " yes you have."
Jordan jumped," Mim! Wow, that scared me! Don't do that!" She laughed,"how are you feeling, baby?"
"I'm...okay." Mim looked away," I'm really sorry jordy. I should've told you."
"Babe, don't be sorry, you were hurting. I should be sorry. I was so caught up in my own life that I overlooked you..." Jordan saw tears in mim's eyes. She felt bad for the kid. How bad must one hurt to cover them self in scars.
"Mim, I've gotta talk to you about something."
" so your gotcha anniversary is in two weeks... " she sighed
" I know. How could I forget?" Mim smiled
"Well this is your second one. And the people we got you from had conditions for your second one."
"Wait..." Mim sat up, obviously concerned," what were the conditions?"
"You have to spend two weeks with your birth parents."
"Um...what!?" Mim was shocked. She was going to be forced to spend two whole weeks with her birth parents, the very people who gave her up in the first place! No! She couldn't! She wouldn't go! But Jordan says she has to...
"Can you at least come with me?" She pleaded
"Baby, I can't. They won't let me. I can only go up, say hi to them, drop you off and leave"
Tears started to fall down mim's face
"I know it's hard, Kid, I shoulda told you earlier. I just feel like letting you see them is letting you go. I never want to have to do that."
"Jordy, I would never leave. These two weeks will mean nothing. These people will mean nothing. They're only my family biologically, you are my family, Jordy, you are my mother."
"I love you, kid." Jordan hugged her little mim tight
"I love you too, mom."

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