Harvey's here

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        The next, day Rye hung out with Andy for the rest of the day.

~Rye's POV~

I've been with Andy all day and all we have done is lay around and watch Netflix and sneak a cuddle in here and there. For the record I'm not complaining it has actually been amazing to just chill with Andy all day. I still haven't got the guts to ask Andy about what triggered his asthma attack yesterday cause I'm pretty sure he wasn't doing any physical activities by sitting on his floor so what could of made his breathing patterns change so drastically to trigger an asthma attack. I realized I got lost in my thoughts when I was brought back to reality and saw Andy snapping in font of me, are you OK Rye he asked with a look of pure wordiness I just said yeah I was just thinking. We then went back to watching the office on Netflix. Andy looked at me with a tiered look on his face then proceeded to snuggle up to me and put his head in the crook of my neck. I truly cared about this boy who has made my life better from the very start in 2015.

~Mikey's POV~

Ever since Rye left to go Jack with Andy during are live yesterday, he has been acting weird lately. Usually Rye isn't a affectionate person but he has been all snugly with Andy Rye has also spent more time then usual with Andy and that's saying a lot since they already hang out 24/7. I've also realized that he gets all bushy when they are close or joking around. I'm his best friend he should be able to tell me anything.

~Andy's POV~

I woke up to myself laying on top of Rye on the couch, I wondered how long we have been here for to me it didn't really matter but I also kind of wanted to enjoy are week of by getting out, not just laying around even though I did enjoy it. I tried to get up but was pulled back by to strong arms, Rye looked still half asleep but he looked at me and said stay please I told him I had to go get ready for dinner since tonight was my night to be cooking he then let go of me and then proceeded to go get dinner ready trying not to let him see the cheeky grin on my face stand out to much that boy is gonna be the end of me one day I thought to myself.

After dinner the boys received a call from Harvey saying he just got back from LA and he was wondering if he could stay with the boys for a while. Of Course Andy said yes, Harvey was one of Andy's closest friends apart from rye and the other boys.

****few days later****

~Andy's POV~

Its been great with Harvey here but I think its time I tell Harvey about my situation with Rye, even though I think he is catching on. I'm only hopping his reaction isn't bad.

Later that night Andy and Harvey are outside on the trampoline when Andy decided to break the news to Harvey.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter i'm currently writing this at 3am so i'm sorry if its bad please comment what you liked in this chapter and make sure to vote. remember you are worthy. bye(word count 568)

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