Jacklyn day

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Rye's POV: When we finally got home, we walked into the house to see Jacklyn curled up on the couch, that was until they saw the very hurt Andy in my arms, Brook instantly detached himself from Jack and came running over. I soon was able to take Andy upstairs to help him get all cleaned up.

Brook's POV: This morning I woke up in the arms of the only person I loved more than anything but of course I love the other boys just that's a different kind of love. As I started to move, I looked up to Jack was surprisingly awake and smiling at me after we finally got up we took a quick picture of Randy all curled up, cause like who wouldn't take a picture of Randy if they had the chance, we then quickly left. After we got ready we went down stairs to just chill since it was are day off, when we went down stairs we realized that Mikey was the only other person home so we asked were Rye and Andy were, he just said that Rye went to the gym and Andy went to go meet up with a friend. After a couple of hours of cuddling with Jack and watching movies with Mikey, Mikey got a phone call and had this unreadable look on his face, he then said he would be back later, and he left. As soon as Mikey left me, and Jack exchanged worried looks so we anxiously waited for Mikey to return. After an hour or two of anxiously waiting for Mikey to return we heard we heard a car door slam shut and saw Mikey running to open the door with Rye right behind with a beaten-up looking Andy in his arms.

(sorry it's been so long life is just crazy at the moment but due to the whole world pandemic going on I have more free time for writing so I will try to update a lot more but as I've said before don't take my word for it thank you all so much for showing this book so much support.) word count 361 

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