▪︎<~ Chapter 8~>▪︎

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|| Gotham Academy
|| English Class,11:30am
|| 15 March 2020

Camile walked to her last class of her dreadful day of this,she called "Hellhole". She had english class with her now maybe so called friend? Dick Grayson.

As usual,she'd sat at the very back,don't wanna be disturbed by the others who'd always disturbing her 24/7. Of course she'd get disturbed. She's the victim of her bully after all. Or more like a toy for a baby. Getting stretched,poked,puked,wet on,stepped on etc. Like,it's a normal thing to her. But this new friend of her's,Dick Grayson,suddenly stepped out into the light to reveal his helpful and caring self to her.

Which makes her wonder in worry. All the possibilities of the actions. The lies,the betrayals,the hurt and the unexpected. It would all hit her straight on her face like she's some sort of a window to get dirty by eggs being thrown at it.

It's the same thing for her.

He couldn't trust him. What if he's playing tricks on her? Thoughts running through her mind as a person came sat beside her.

It was him. Dick Grayson.

Now a good and rich kid should've sit at the front row instead of the back's. Why may you ask? It is all because of her.

Something just happen to tweeked something in his body and automatically making him wanting to help and get to know her more.

She felt nervous all of a sudden by his presence. With just a few centimetres close has already considered the closest for her type of 'close'. The class started as usual. Incredibly boring.

I could totally spend my time doing something useful than sitting here all day and listen all this shits.

After the incident last night. Something just poofed out of nowhere in her mind. A brand new folder that encourage her to do something useful for once instead of this. It's like she felt motivated after the incident. It makes her wanted that to happen again. The thrill for that moment was unbelievable. It was foreign to her. She wants to get to know that thing.

That feeling.

At the front row,a nosy young girl--along with her friends--were searching for a specific someone. That someone was none other than Dick Grayson.

Why not.

It was always him. because he got all of their attention. The popular attention. While her was the unlucky and sympathetic one. very sympathetic one.

They turned around and Delancy's eyes landed on him,eyes widen as in she founded her 'boy of my dreams' but soon narrowed when her eyes dotted to the person beside him.

It landed on me. Great.

She doesn't have to think about that anymore. Whatever she do or every single thing she do. Made Delancy annoyed or irritated. Why you might ask,it's unknown.

That means,she's gonna get rekt by her,and her minions. Dick happens to read her mind,glances at her and sent her an apologetic and reassuring look before adjusting his seat as the teacher came in starting the lesson.

Camile didn't move. Not even a tilt of her head to even notice the look Dick gave her. She was oblivious about that look.


|| Gotham Academy
|| PE class,12:30pm

The lessons went by and it was PE for Camile. As usual taking the same route to get to class. but today,it was different. She started taking the other route to get to class. Even sneaky and a fast way to get there. A shortcut.

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