<~ Chapter 11 ~>

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hi, I've been for so long cuz of school and new fandoms. (I just entered kpop world last month and it was amazing and shocking atst sksksk) so let's forget about that, I hope yall stay safe and clean. now, allow me to provide you with chapter that I just made today.

. e n j o y   t h e   c h a p t e r .

|| continuation from last chapter
|| art class with arty

oh shit. I got caught. welp.

I felt a slight smack on my shoulder, and I let out a small groan. Even though it's a small smack but damn it hurts like a bitch. "dang Arty, what're your hands made of? a rock?" I said as I rubbed my shoulder. poor bb.

She looked at me in disbelief, "ya think?!" she snatched back her white tube and secure it in her pallette.

"I just need a few white paimt that's all." I shrugged. "cause mine's finished."

"well, you can ask ya know. were you even listening to me?" Artemis said, getting irritated. She sure do have a temper. I wonder where she got it from.

"Of course I do! Just because I was distracted stealing your paint, doesn't mean I didn't listen to your 'boi who disturb you 24/7' or something like that." I scoffed while doing air quotes with my fingers. She looked at me surprisingly without saying anything then shaking her head as if Im weird.

I am weird. we love a weird potato popping into people's life randomly.

|| after a few weeks of her being trained
|| Edgar Training Centre
|| 3rd pov + camiles pov

A loud thud can be heard on the matt/platform, Camile is pinning Chris down with a headlock until he tapped her elbow signalling to stop since he couldn't breathe.

She was about to suffocate him. He had to.

Chris was taking a deep breath and panting on the matt, he looked at her with an impressive expression. "You're doing great these few weeks eh?"

She smiled proudly and said a quick thanks to him. She can catch up each technique of the martial arts that have been taught and even new moves. Jiu-jitsu, krav manga, taekwondo etc. It's about time to let her spar with an opponent that's not Chris.

"It's about time. cmon, wanna try spar with another person?" He raised his eyebrow at me in question.

"Sure, why not?" She said, slightly panting from the lesson. Getting a towel to wipe her sweat from her forehead and neck. "Can we take it easy first?" She adds quickly, feeling quite anxious to meet a new person whom she doesn't know yet.

Chris scoffed, "easy? you think enemies will take it easy on you? kesp on dreaming babe." He patted my back as if im a dumb kid who doesn't know simple math equations. (ha, me)

Camile stayed silent, afraid of saying something wrong that might can cause karma to her sooner rather than later. being quiet is the right choice at the moment.

Chris continues when she isn't replying anything. "anyway we're here." We enter the place where we used to walk in everytime. Where I saw all the people spar with their partner or randomly. The ring room. (is that what they call it?)

I looked at them in awe until someone clears their throat. it's quite rude actually, you're just there enjoying the view and then you got disturbed. ugh, so disrespectful.

A woman, probably in her early 20s,was in the platform, with her hands taped with black taped while mine was taped with white. "So Im gonna be sparring with a newbie? alright then, let's see what you got girl."

From what she look like, I can probably tell she's the type of likes to look down other people but secretly likes to help people. I hope my predictions are right,because her face expression right now is very fierce and I can already feel her dangerous aura all over the place. She's ready in a fighting stance,same with me.

I was just about to take a deep breath when a fist came for my face and I managed to dodged it right on time. I was this🤏close to get my nose broken by a female. not a male but a female. can you imagine?

"Woah! That was fast!" I exclaimed, dropped a sweat,backing off slightly to take a few spaces.

"honey, enemies doesn't wait for you to attack. They'll keep attacking you until you're down. until you're dropped dead. so stay focus." She said, determinedly,raising her voice a little bit.

"You can do it Camile! You can do it!!" Chris is cheering at the side of the platform

I threw a fake punch to her shoulder and grabbed her other shoulder to spin her around and tried to pull her into a headlock but unfortunately, she knew what im gonna do and tripped me using her foot kicking my other foot making me slipped and got pinned by her instead using my arms.

I yelled in pain. "okay, you may stop now" Chris exclaimed. She put her weight on me as I yell out in pain again. "Maisie, I said stop, don't you hear me?!" with that being said, she immediately went off me, left me on the floor groaning in pain as I starting to rub my shoulder. If she pinned me with her knees and put more pressure to it, I would've dislocated my shoulders already.

All thanks to Chris the savior. Give him a round of applause everyone. He deserves it.

Chris went up the platform and went by my side,checking me if I have any injuries or not. Surprisingly, no. almost though, almost.

This Maisie woman, tsk'ed at me, "Such a weak girl. I fight with strong people." with that, she left without any word. Not even a glance back at me,as if she's disgusted by my attacks. Chris can only look at her in slight hatred and concern. or mixed with confusion?

He sighed, "you okay?" I nodded. "Good,let's get you an ice pack. must've hurt." He helped me get up from the dirty platform.

. e n d   o f   c h a p t e r .

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