Chapter Two; Oppertunity Is Knocking

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Chapter Two; Oppertunity Is Knocking

"Hey Ms. Smith! How's it going?" 

Lara's mum smiles and looks up from the papers she's looking through, "Sam, surprise seeing you here, on the first official day of summer, odd" I smirk at her sarcasm and perch myself on a stool at the island counter while Lara searches through the fridge.  

"So have you girls decided what you're going to do this summer?"  

Lara rolls her eyes irritantly, "yes mother that's kind of the whole point of Sam coming over!" I shyly look down at my feet and bite back a giggle trying to escape my mouth. "Lara, attidude"  

Her mum sends her a warning look and Lara sighs in defeat, "yes mum we have decided what we're going to do this summer" Lara's voice is lifeless and much like a robot's, her mum rolls her eyes and goes back to shifting through the pages. "Well are you going to tell me some or is it all top secret stuff?"  

Lara shrugs her shoulders, "meh, I suppose we could tell you some. I want to spend a few days away from home, meet new people, make new friends, make tie-dye t-shirts, get a tattoo, blah, blah, blah" 

Lara's mother's eyes dart up at the word tattoo and Lara eyes her playfully, she loves winding people up. Her mother narrows her eyes and barks at her "never, going, to, happen."  

"We'll just see about that..." 

Sensing the tension and her mother's angry body language, I decide now is the perfect time to interject. "She's not getting a tattoo Ms. Smith, it's not even on her bucket list! Honestly"  

Lara sniggers and her mum sends her a warning look, I stiffle a smile and try not to make things anymore awkward. "Mum it was a joke, relax. God you get wound up so easily!" Lara perches beside me on a matching stool at the island and nudges me with her elbow, "go on Sam, tell my mum somethings from your list" 

Ms. Smith turns to me and smiles and I feel more comfortable now that there's no tension. "Eh, well, I want to go horseback riding, em" now struggling to remember things on my list I begin to fall into a slight panic, "oh yeah! I want to dye my hair," now my mind is blank, I turn to Lara for support, help, a clue, anything! 

"You want to get summer job, don't you Sam?"  

I could almost kiss her, she can be a pain but she has a damn good memory! "Yeah, I decided now is the perfect time to get independant and I'm 16 so it's the perfect time to do it too" 

"That sounds great Sam! Maybe Lara should join you with that!" Lara sends her mother a warning look, work isn't exactly Lara's forté, to say the least.  

"Wait! I think I might just have the perfect job for the both of you!" Her mother struggles to jog out of the room in her stiletto heels, why does her mum wear them in the kitchen?  

I turn to Lara with a puzzled look on my face and she raises her hands signaling that she hasn't got the faintest idea of what is going on.  

Ms. Smith then returns with what appears to be a brochure in her hand, the bright colours capture my attention immediately and I can't help but try and read around her fingers as they clutch the brightly coloured peice of paper. "My boss gave me this a few days ago, he asked if I was interested in sending Ryan, but he's too young" she begins to explain, "he also mentioned that his brother, who owns the camp, was looking for camp counsolers or whatever they're called. I could ring and ask if there's two jobs on offer if you's are interested?.." 

She slides the brouchure accross the table and I flatten it out immediately, "Camp Active" 

Yes! This could be great! This is exactly what we need! 

"Mum wait... Wh-" 

"Yes! We'll do it!" 

Lara spins in her chair so her whole body is facing me, "eh, Sam, shouldn't we disscuss this?" I can't help but roll my eyes as I grab hold of the brochure and jump off the stool, "Ms. Smith, I would really appreciate it if you could ring up your bosses brother and ask if there is two availablities for Lara and I. I think it is too good of an opperrtunity to pass up!" Her mother looks a bit taken aback by my politeness and manner but nods her head in agreement anyway, "yeah, I'll do that as soon as I can for you"  

I thank her and swiftly exit the kitchen and head for Lara's room, her trailing close behind, calling after me as she does so. She obviously can't see a great oppertunity when it's staring her straight in the face


hello! :-) if you liked the story please comment/ vote/ fan and all the rest! don't know when the next update will be though, i have lots going on with exams :s

i'll try my best though!

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