Environmental Issues: Why we should focus on saving our planet

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By: m e

                            Did you know that according to scientists, we only have an average of twelve years left to save our Planet? Well if you didn't, now you do. Now that you know, what will you do about it? Sit behind your screen? Scroll through social media as more time is wasted? Before I proceed, I will provide further information about our Planet's critical condition. Climate change, a long-term change in the Earth's climate, or of a region on Earth, was discovered in the 19th century. Thomas Edison, pioneer of electrical technologies, voiced his concern for climate change and support for renewable energy in the 1930s.  During this time, Global warming was brought to our attention. In the 1960s, the warming effect of carbon dioxide gas became increasingly convincing. In recent decades, our planet has been dying at an alarming rate. In short, climate change and global warming have been of human concern for a very long time now, and yet it has only grown increasingly serious over this amount of time with people being incredibly so ignorant about it.
We people knew where our actions could have brought us to almost a century ago and yet we haven't improved at all. Instead, we have damaged our planet to the point where we have less than two decades to save ourselves. And even with the numerous fundraisers, speeches, videos and charities that have been created in order to save our Mother Earth, we still seem to turn a blind eye towards our catastrophic nature. Today I will be telling you the reasons why our planet isn't improving and why we should fix it.

The most obvious reason on why our planet isn't improving is humans. We were the ones who have brought this consequence upon ourselves. We turned our healthy and thriving planet into a battlefield. It's not hard to see that our world has become too dangerous to live in today.  There are unending wars, racism, sexism, rape and more. With these things still existing up to today, it's clear to many of us that we humans haven't progressed at all. Things that should've been left in the past have been brought about to our present.
We as a 'civilized' society are slowly tearing ourselves apart. How are we supposed to unite and save the world when we are constantly fighting ourselves? The new generations blame the past generations for bringing this suffering onto all of us, while the older generations put the blame on younger generations for not doing anything about it. Is it always going to be like this? Will we always be fighting each other and not fighting together? Will we blame each other and wait for a hero that will never arise as our doom slowly approaches? Well our time is running out and the little things that we find to hate about each other won't matter anymore once you realize that we will all die anyway because we were all too ignorant to do anything.

Water pollution is one of the most common problems nowadays. A lot of garbage is thrown carelessly into the water. A lot of factories, mills, and plants discharge the untreated industrial wastes and other unsafe substances into the water bodies. Water is also polluted by fertilizations and pesticides which are widely used in agriculture. The contamination of the living environment leads to the deaths of the entire natural ecosystems. There are many approaches to garbage utilization but most of the poor countries just don't have enough money to introduce such up-to-date technologies. Another problem of ours is air pollution. The main causes for air pollution are cars, factories and wildfires. All of these are caused by our careless actions and pathetic excuses.
We contribute to air pollution everyday by riding a vehicle that emit harmful gases and we aren't showing any signs of stopping.
Overpopulation is also a major issue that affects our planet greatly According to studies, the average human being produces about 4.3 pounds of garbage every single day and 2.01 billion tons annually. As of today, there are around 7.7 billion people on this Earth, each year our world population increases by 1.2 %. Take a moment to imagine what would become of our Earth in a year. Or maybe two years from now. The waste only grows from there, but we don't do much about it. One can't deny not ignoring trash because last time I was in Metro Manila, I don't remember anyone caring about the wasteful environment.

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