~{]The Queens Trials[}~ •Alice~Vivaldi•

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The Queen of Hearts was sitting atop her throne as the Prime Minister stood next to her and read the trials for the day. The role less cards were all being sentenced for childish and rather pointless things such as cutting the rose bush's to much or wrinkling her dress by accident. All of these things weren't that big of an offense or even directly directed towards the Queen herself, but Vivaldi still saw all of these faceless as traitors.
One after another, Vivaldi would sentence each of the faceless to some sort of execution.

Whether it be beheading or hanging, the Queen didn't really care as long as they paid the price for their crimes. Peter would just go along with whatever her Majesty would sentence since then he could finally get away from her being and go find his beloved outsider.

"Off with their heads!" The Queen shrieked down to the guards and the accused that were below her. The Prime Minister was about to give the guards the signal to take them all away, but someone else had caught his attention.

"Vivaldi, you can't just execute all of these faceless." Alice said as she approached the Queen. "They have done nothing wrong." She continued to say. Peter was about to hug her, but one death glare from his beloved made him stop dead in his tracks and keep his mouth shut.

"They have offended us and so they must be punished." Vivaldi said as she glared at the faceless that were below her which made them all even more fearful of her Majesty then ever before. The Queen then looked back over to the outsider to see her in a rather upset mood. She would never understand why Alice cared so much for these plain cards, but that's why she loved this outsider.

The Queen always found it interesting how she would care for the most unimportant beings. She loved to watch her when she would be working around the castle since she got to see her in the cute maids outfit. So many things intrigued this tyrant, but she had no idea why she was so fascinated with the outsider. The Queen never wanted to admit that she had fallen in love with this girl, but she couldn't deny it either which made her a little more upset and hot tempered than usual.

"Vivaldi, you seem to be in a bit of a sour mood this time period so why don't you go and take a break. I'll take care of the rest of the trials along with Peter." The Prime Minister immediately got over joyed at Alice's words. Another death glare or two later from the outsider, Peter finally managed to calm himself.

Vivaldi stared at her for a moment and then sighed. "Do as you wish." She said as she gave Alice a blue staff that looked very much liked her own and stood up to leave. "We'll be in our chambers if you need us." And with that, the Queen left the outsider to do as she saw fit.

The Queen of Hearts went walking through the many corridors of the Heart Castle so she could head to her room. But as she neared her destination, she decided to take a little detour and head for the rose garden instead. She didn't really like to be in her room alone when she could be surrounded by the beauty of her garden.

The Queen of Hearts walked through the large doors that led to the rose garden and began to walk towards it. The scent of the roses that surrounded her was astonishing and she absolutely adored the wonderful smell. Then as she continued to walk around aimlessly, she found a place where the tops of the roses were cut and laid all over the surface of the grassy ground. It looked almost like a large blanket of red.

"I thought you said that you were heading for your room?" A girls voice rang out from behind the Queen. Vivaldi turned around to see Alice walking towards her. "And I thought that you were going to be giving those traitors fair trials but it appears that you have also lied."

Vivaldi sat down in the bed of roses and then held her hand out for Alice to take. The outsider skeptically looked at the Queens outstretched hand, but she took it anyway. With a warm smile, Vivaldi pulled her down into the bed of roses and began to cuddle with her.

"I gave them fair trials, you are just to hot tempered to see that." Alice whispered under her breath. The Queen thought it was amazing that the outsider would talk back to her in such a foul way. Even if it was a mean comment, she still loved to see someone stand up to her even though her position and ranking were so high.

"You dare talk back to your Queen in such a rude manor?" Vivaldi whispered into the outsiders ear causing her to shiver at the warm breath that trickled down her neck. A small and not so innocent smile played on the Queens lips as she snaked her arms around Alice's stomach and chest and brought her closer to her body. She then snuggled her face into the crook of Alice's neck and began to kiss and suck on one of the outsiders more sensitive spots, causing her to gasp in surprise.

"I-I do dare, especially when you're being s-such a tease." Alice stuttered as she tried to ignore Vivaldi's constant kissing and sucking on her neck. "And you are not being a tease?" The Queen said between kisses. "You're presence is enough to tease anyone that lay eyes upon you."

Vivaldi stopped kissing the girl that's wrapped in her arms and instead snuggled up closer to her. "You're just lucky that I love you." Alice said in a flustered tone. "Oh so now you love us?" The Queen whispered as the outsider turned in her arms to look at her directly.

"Of course I love you Vivaldi." Alice said as she kissed the Queen on her lips. Vivaldi was very shocked since this was the first she had heard of the outsider loving her, but that didn't stop her from kissing back.

Once they broke for air, both of their faces were flushed with a light shade of pink and their lips were slightly swollen. Alice then snuggled as close as she could up to Vivaldi and rested her head on her chest. The sound of the Queens ticking clock no longer alarmed her as it would have when she first arrived in this world, now she found it to be a rather hypnotizing and beautiful sound.
"And I love you my beautiful rose.~"

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