~{]Gowland X Boris[}~ (Christmas Special)

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The Marquis sat alone on one of the highest hills within his territory. He stared nostalgically at the night sky above him as he watched the fireworks explode. The beautiful colors illuminated the midnight sky and brightened up the whole Amusement Park.

It wasn't long ago that he sat a top this very hill with the person he held closest to his clock. That time period was one he couldn't forget even if he tried.

The Cheshire Cat had sat there with him that time. They watched the fireworks together the whole midnight time period; jokes and laughter filled the air as they sat next to each other. Then when the fireworks were hitting their climax and the largest of all the fireworks were about to explode, the punk cat had pulled the Marquis closer to him and kissed the man right on the lips.

Gowland let out a small sigh at the resurfaced memory. That was the happiest that he had ever been in his entire life. But then one rather stupid argument between the two of them had to break up their relationship.

Before the argument that would inevitably separate them, their relationship had lasted for quite a while. During the day, they would run the Amusement Park together. Fixing the rides and keeping the guests entertained was something they enjoyed to do together. And then at night, they would share a bed as they fell asleep in each other's arms. Once their love truly blossomed, the Amusement Park became an even more fun filled and lively place than ever before.

Then one day their beautiful relationship would be ripped apart by some petty argument they had. It was over something so dumb that the Marquis forgot what they actually fought about. Even though the fight was over something so absolutely pointless, it still led to the Cheshire Cat going out for a walk outside of their territory.
But he never returned.

Soon after he had left for his walk inside one of the other territories to calm himself down, the land had moved to the Country of Clover and the Amusement Park "disappeared". Though the Marquis wanted to go and fix their relationship before it was completely torn apart, the land simply wouldn't allow it and insisted on keeping them apart.

They were force fully separated from each other.
As Gowland continued to morn on the previous events, moonlit snowflakes began to fall around him from the dark sky. He watched the glistening snowflakes fall in amazement for he had never once seen snow fall within his own territory. But he had always hoped that if and when it did snow, he'd be able to watch it with the one he loved.

"Why did I ever let you walk away...?" He whispered to himself as he held out his hand to catch a few of the falling snowflakes.

"Hey old man." A familiar voice said from behind the sitting man. "I have a riddle for you that I thought of while I was away."

Gowland let out a soft chuckle as he stood up and faced the man he still loves. He looked the same as ever. His pink hair still covering one of his glistening golden colored eyes and his clothes were still as punk and perfect as the day he left their territory. The golden chains even seemed to glow from the moon light that fell upon them.

"And what might this riddle be?" Gowland questioned with a small smile as the moonlit snowflakes continued to fall around the two of them. Boris gave him a small smile in return as he started to slowly walk towards the other man with his hands behind his back in a playful and mysterious manor.

"It grows and blossoms, it dies and wilts;

It appears in the beginning, and appears in the end;

It can make you sad, it can make you cry; it can make you smile, it can make you brave;

It's something that we once shared and something that I still feel towards you.

What am I?"

Gowland stared at Boris who now stood directly in front of him. The snowflakes continued to gently fall around them and successfully get caught on the top of the pink haired cat's head.The Marquis stared into the others one uncovered golden eye while the Cheshire Cat stared back into his own emerald-turquoise eyes.

"Do you give up old m-man?" Boris' voice cracked slightly at the end of his question as silent tears began to fall form his eyes He then tried to quickly turn his head away from the older man so he wouldn't be able to see the tears that had slowly began to fall.

Gowland gave him a gentle smile and wiped away his tears that continued to fall. He then put a finger under his chin and forced him to look back into his caring eyes.

"I love you too, Boris Airay."

As soon as he finished whispering that, the Cheshire Cat immediately broke down in relief and began to cry even harder. The Marquis put his arms around the smaller mans waist and head so he could pull his head to his chest as he brought their bodies closer together.

They stood there together in each other's arms on top of their hill as the moonlit glistening snowflakes continued to gently fall around them.
Their once broken clocks would be fixed back to perfection within that single moment. Love was something that came naturally to these two men and neither of them wanted to give it up so easily.

The revived love was as beautiful as the setting sun and as delicate as the morning dew;

It was like an angel's dusting from the stars that can turn the earth into a frosted moon.

There love was the snow.

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