5 | a day on set

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When Hana woke up, the best way she could describe how she was feeling was "exhausted". Even with Charles and Vanessa urging everyone to not stay out too late because of early filming, she still only got back to her hotel room at 2:00 in the morning.

As she got ready for the day, she tried to remember everything that went down. They had gone to the hotel pool first and then driven a few hours to the beach, where Charles and KJ had started a game of basketball which lasted an hour before they all went into the water. And then- from there, the memories get vague. There were food trucks and skateboards, that much she remembers.

There's a knock on the door as she finishes getting dressed. She opens it, and Camila smiles at her. "Hey girlie, how are you feeling?"

"Tired," she smiled, accepted her gift of coffee. "Was this what your "initiation" was like?" 

"Kinda," Camila shrugs, flopping down onto the couch. "Only with more sriracha." When Hana raises an eyebrow at her, she shakes her head. "Don't ask." 

"Noted," Hana laughs, turning around in front of the floor-length mirror to view her outfit. A black skirt and a red off-shoulder top tucked into it, under a battered leather Serpents jacket. She wore a pair of Doc Martens and her hair was pulled back in a low ponytail. "Don't think I've ever worn this much black before." 

"Well you look smoking," Lili whistled lowly as she walked into the trailer, tossing a little paper bag at Hana. She opened it and looked inside, seeing a croissant. "Eat up, it's a long day on set." 

"Hana, have you seen-" The door opens and Charles walks in, voice trailing off as he sees her. "Wow, you-um, you look great." 

"Thanks, you too.." There's an awkward silence for a moment before Camila coughs. "Um, you were saying?" 

"Oh, uh, right, have you seen Cole anywhere? We can't find him in his trailer." 

"He's in mine," Lili pipes up. "Eating up my stash of chocolate." 

"Okay, thanks, I'll tell Roberto. Uh, okay, see you guys on set." 

As he leaves, Lili and Camila share a look before breaking into laughter. "What?" Hana asks, "What is it?" 

"H, are you oblivious? He has total heart eyes for you!" 

Flustered, Hana's mouth opens and closes for a few moments before she speaks. "Charles? No way, you guys are crazy!" 

"Come on, stop denying it! Everyone saw it last night, and the poor guy forgot how to speak when he saw you just now!" 

Hana thinks back to last night and she can't deny that she- no. "No, no, no," She shakes her head. "That's- he does not like me!" 

"What's going on?" Madelaine walks in, in complete Cheryl. "H, Roberto wants to see you." 

"Ah, thank you, Mads," She leaves her trailer quickly, heart going a mile a minute. No, there was no way Charles could like her, right? She couldn't deny that he was a really great guy, and pretty attractive- but no, she's new to the show and it wouldn't be good for her to date a coworker. 

She enters Roberto's trailer, and speak of the devil and the devil appears, Charles is sitting across the table from the writer. "Hana," Roberto greets her. "Come in!" 

"What's this about?" She asks warily, taking a seat. Where they here to get a talking-to about something? A fake-dating scandal to promote the show? 

"Trust me, neither of you are in trouble, I just wanted to discuss the script with you guys before the table read." He hands them each the script, and they thumb through it. "Hana, so you know your character, Maia, is a Serpent, and Reggie's obviously a Bulldog." 

"Well yeah, what about it?" Charles asks, lifting his eyes from the script. 

"Well basically, your characters are going to be romantically involved." 

"Wait- what?" They spoke in unison, and Roberto raised a hand. 

"Just wanted you guys to know first so you're not shocked a bit at the table read. Anyway, that's all, you guys can go, get ready or prep, whatever you need." He shooes them out of the room, both still reeling with the news. 

"So, you're gonna be my boyfriend. On-screen, I mean.." Hana adds the last part in hurriedly, looking anywhere but at the tall man. 

"Yeah", he laughs. "Well, if I had to date anyone, I'm glad it's you." 

Her face goes bright red. 

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