♱ Chapter 30 ♱

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𝟹𝟶: 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚎𝚜

I succumbed to my temptations at District Row.

It didn't escape my notice that the previous time I was here I was with Adelaide who had been ordered to attend by NAMELESS. To this day I thought she was still clueless to how vulnerable and exposed she was by just her mere presence. It was seldom a girl like Adelaide Monroe ever visited District Row, and even rarer when they partook in three consecutive races.

The adrenaline that was fuelling me through various races had spawned from the sexual frustration that was pent up inside of me. Of course, I didn't want to push Adelaide into doing anything she was uncomfortable with, but at the same time, I had to expel it somehow. And jerking off in the shower with my fantasies just left me feeling more aroused after I'd finished. That was the kind of power she had over me, and that was something else she was blissfully unaware of.

As I gently rolled up to the starting line, my thoughts coursed back to the previous few days. Adelaide and I had been utilising every free moment we could to get back to my apartment and bask in the privacy. Sometimes—most of the time—I was having to stop first because I didn't want to become overbearing which led me to believe she was up for something more.

I guess it was also that anticipation that drove me here to District Row. Literally.

The woman, skimpily clad, threw down a red handkerchief and I was first off the line against my opponent in an older BMW model that I had. He was the one that propositioned me for a race. It was my third race of the night, and initially I spent my time just watching others and placing my bets. I'd thankfully won more of my races than lost, and this was another to add to the pot considering I bet on myself.

As predicted, I was also first over the line. As we parked up afterwards, the man stepped out of his blue BMW and shook my hand. He didn't place a bet. "Great condition," he complimented, nodding his chin at my car behind me. "I've been thinking about upgrading." He had a five o'clock shadow coating his face and thin eyebrows. In the moon's light, he appeared as though he had black eyes, though I knew they must have been just a muddy brown.

"Thanks. You should. It's a lot quicker," I quipped.

Smiling, he appreciated the joke. "I can see that. Anyway, just wanted to say good race."

"You too."

He entered his BMW again and drove off around the other side of the parking lot.

As I turned my attention to the current race which was just commencing between an Audi R8 V10 and a Nissan GTR, my phone vibrated in my pocket. The Audi was first off the line as I tore my gaze away and found myself gazing at Adelaide's name stamped on my phone screen. Pulse beginning to race, I hastily opened the message.

Adelaide: I'm at your apartment but you're not here?


Not only should she not be on her own in The Woods, there was no fucking way I was missing an opportunity of us alone at my apartment together.

Porter: On my way

By the time I returned to my apartment, I cursed myself for not leaving a spare key somewhere concealed considering Adelaide had been reduced to sitting inside her Audi as she waited for my arrival. She stepped out the instant I parked alongside her. Eyebrows furrowed, I quickly explained I was at District Row.

"I didn't realise you were coming over," I spluttered afterwards, shutting my car door behind me and locking the car. "I came here as quickly as I could. Is everything okay? Is it NAMELESS?"

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