The Wolves

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I had never seen something so big or so many people in one place. It was like looking at the future. There were solar panels everywhere and no matter where I looked, I couldn't see the end of the camp. There were giant transparent walls with a bluish look all around it and a huge gate. The guy in front seemed to recognize Ray as soon as he saw him because he opened the gate.

"What's up, Ray? Who're your friends?" The guy asked.

"I got them in Massachusetts. I'm taking them to the Wolf." The guy just nodded and Ray continued. As soon as we got in, I felt ashamed. Everyone looked so happy and clean and I knew I stank of trash and sweat.

But the first thing Ray did after parking his truck was take us to his house so we could take a shower, something I hadn't done since I was 10. On the way, people looked at me and Allison weird. She was scared being in a different place, and I'll admit I was too. The grass was green and there were animals everywhere. The streets and houses looked huge and clean. It was awesome being in a place like that.

The inside of Ray's house smelled like lavender and freshly baked cookies, just like him.

"The shower's over there, I'll give y0u a towel and some of my brother's clothes, since he's a little more your size, and maybe a single t-shit so you can put on the girl." Ray said. I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks, Ray, for everything, man. We are really thankful." He smiled and nodded, giving me a pat in the back that almost threw me on the floor.

The first thing I did before entering myself, was give Allison a shower. She was scared as she had never seen so much water in her life. But when she got used to it, she even opened her mouth to drink from it.

Ray volunteered to take care of Allison and show her some books while I took a shower. I had never been so happy. I scrubbed and scrubbed until I finally felt clean and watched how the water that went down the drain was a horrible color brown. After staying a few more minutes under the water, I got out and got dressed.

"I want to see the Main Wolf now. I need to talk to her." I told him. He nodded towards the door and walked behind me as I walked out. Allison walked beside me, holding my hand.

We walked for a while and I felt less of a freak, now that we were clean. And I smelled like lavender, just like Ray did.

He walked me to a huge mansion, alone in the center of a field and knocked on the door. A big man maybe in his late 40ties with a wall's physical structure opened the door. Ray looked at me and gestured me to talk.

"Umm... I umm, I'm here to see the Main Wolf. I need to talk to her about something important." The guy looked at me up and down and closed the door. I looked at Ray, frowning in curiosity and when I was about to talk, the guy opened the door again.

"She says you have 5 minutes." The guy said and he left me speechless with his deep The Rock voice. I walked inside with Allison beside me, and the guy closed the door. Ray was left outside and I felt like I wanted to puke out of nervousness.

I took short steps waiting for the guy to tell where I had to go, but he stayed still, guarding the door. I looked around the house and all I could see was the color gray. There were a lot of wolf pictures hanging on the walls and what seemed to be a carpet made of wolf pelt.

I started hearing steps so I stopped moving. A woman came in wearing a long black dress and matching high heels. She had a small structure, maybe 5'4, but she was curvy. Her hair, which was down to her waist, was a dark blonde color with brown roots. She looked like she was just in her early 20ties, as she had soft looking skin and bright red lips. Her eyes were dark brown, almost black like the night, that seemed to be holding onto so sort of hidden pain.

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