Fruits Of Our Labor

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Timeskip - 1 Month

(Y/N)'s POV

Ruby: "Are we there yet?" Everyone groaned at her question. She's been asking that ever since we left for our mission.

Yang: "For the last time Ruby we will get there when we get there!!" Ruby giggled at her sister's annoyance.

Ruby: "Okay." She relaxed in her seat and played on her scroll. Yang huffed and placed her head back on my shoulder.

(Y/N): "Just calm down fire dragon." Her body relaxed and she smiled at the nickname. Ozpin sent us on an extermination mission near the outskirts of Vale in the old ruins. It was our first mission without a professional Huntsman.

Weiss: "We should go over the plan before we get there." She tapped her fingers on a pad and a projection of the area appeared between all of us. "Reports say that most of the Grimm are huddled in the middle of the ruins. Mostly beowolves from what witnesses say."

Blake: "Do we have an exact number on the enemy?" The middle of the map had a giant dot. That must be the general area of where they were. The number counter next to it had three question marks.

(Y/N): "They didn't have an exact number, but they estimate it could range between two to three hundred of them." The area itself wasn't massive, but still had enough space for us to run around.

Speaker: "ETA is five minutes Huntsman." We all nodded and got out of our seat. I grabbed Huǒyàn while the others geared up. This mission wasn't gonna be easy, but we can do it.

Yang: "The bullhead is about to land. Let's head out." With those words the ship made a thud and the doors opened. We landed on top of a building overlooking the area.

The bullhead left once we were all out. The mission should take us two hours at max. We surveyed the area in an attempt to find traces of any Grimm.

(Y/N): "Guess we have to start searching for tracks at ground level." The team nodded and we made our way down the building. It surprised me at how stable it was after being abandoned for so long.

We finally reached the ground and split up into two teams. Yang and I would search the area to the west while everyone else searched the east. I would have expected at least one Grimm roaming about, but not a single one could be seen.

Yang: "This doesn't feel right. Why aren't there any Grimm around?" I was pondering the same thing. It was really strange.

(Y/N): "I'm not sure Yang, but we're gonna get to the bottom of this. There has to be so-" I wasn't paying attention and stumbled forward onto the ground.

Yang: "You ok-" She stopped mid sentence when she saw what I fell from. I got to my feet and examined the ground around me. It was caved in and had indentions. We backed away and examined it.

The caved in are was six feet tall and four feet wide. It seemed to be a giant footprint. There were three claw like toes at the front of it and one on its heel.

(Y/N): "What the hell could've made this?" There were more tracks leading forward. This could be bad for us.

???:"RAAAAWWWWRRR!!!!" The sound echoed throughout the hollowed ruins. It sent chills up and down my spine. The radio on my scroll blared.

Ruby: "GET TO THE EAST SIDE NOW!!!!!" Her voice was filled with absolute terror. Yang and I bolted back the way we came and rushed towards the others

Fear struck me when we saw what the hell it was. A massive Grimm was trying to break down a building. Screams could be heard from within it. The Grimm in question resembled a T-Rex. It had skeletal like armor covering its head and parts of its body.

Flaming Passion (Male Reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now