Plans For War

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Timeskip - 1 & 1/2 Months

(Y/N)'s POV

Two more weeks and we would be fighting a war for world peace. To say my nerves were shot would be an understatement. Luckily I have my friend to help me. Ozpin called and asked me to grab the rest of my team and come to his office.

He needed all of us there in order to formulate a plan of attack. My feet carried me to the door, but my hand stopped right above the doorknob. Talking could be heard from inside.

Yang: "I don't know what to tell him." Her voice sound worried.

Weiss: "You need to tell him about it. It affects both of you. Especially you Yang." Concern was present in her voice.

Yang: "He'll worry himself even more than he already is." Her voice was starting to crack at this point. I swiftly opened the door and startled everyone.

Blake: "We'll give you two some space." Everyone left except for Yang and I. She sat on the bed with a saddened expression. I walked up to her and knelt down in front of her.

(Y/N): "What's the matter fire dragon?" A small smile graced her lips, but faded just as quickly.

Yang: "I want to tell you, but I'm afraid. Afraid of how you'll react to it." Her hands were shaking and tears ran down her eyes. My right hand wrapped itself around hers and my left wiped the tears from her eyes.

(Y/N): "Together remember?" A smile graced her lips and it stayed there. She moved the hand I held hers with and placed it on her stomach.

Yang: "I'm pregnant." My mind blanked when she said that. It was as if time had stopped itself. I could feel it inside her. A warm sensation.

I removed my hand from her belly and placed my head on it. She stroked my hair in a comforting manner. This changes everything.

(Y/N): "We have to go see Ozpin and make a plan. And with you like this we need to keep you safe." I pulled my head away while she looked at me.

Yang: "I can still fight." I shook my head.

(Y/N): "You aren't gonna risk yourself and our unborn child. I've lost many things in this life and now you've given me something Yang." I returned to my knees and held her hands in mine. "You've given me a gift to treasure. A new fire that will burn brightly and I will protect you both."

Yang: "Okay." We both smiled at the conclusion and left. Our team was waiting outside for us. They smiled to see us hand in hand.

(Y/N): "We gotta go talk to Ozpin." We ventured onward to his office.

Timeskip - 5 Hours

Ozpin and I stood alone in his office. I have yet to tell him about Yang's condition, but that's why we're alone right now. I don't want Yang to see this.

Ozpin: "I still don't see why you insisted on Miss Xiao Long staying back for defense. She's an exceptional fighter." He turned to me while I leaned against the wall.

(Y/N): "She's pregnant." At first Ozpin didn't know how to react, but his face soon turned to slight anger.

Ozpin: "At a time like this?!" I knew this was gonna be his reaction.

(Y/N): "Then what time would you have us advance our relationship?!" I got up from the wall and walked up to him. "For all we know this war could end in failure!! We could all die!!"

Ozpin: "And you didn't think to take measures against this?!" At this point we were almost face to face.

(Y/N): "We were in the heat of the moment!! Don't act like you haven't done something like this Ozpin!!" There was tension between us. It looked like we were about to start swinging at each other.

He broke off from me and sat at his desk. Frustration was visible across his face. A sip from his mug calmed him down.

Ozpin: "How far along is she?" My nerves calmed themselves and I sat in a chair.

(Y/N): "Two months when the war starts. She told me on the way her how far along she was." We both let out sighs.

Ozpin: "You're worried." I mentally face palmed.

(Y/N): "No shit Sherlock. The woman I love is carry our unborn child and we have a war to fight." My head hung in frustration. "I don't want anything to happen to either of them. She could get hurt or worse."

Ozpin: "I understand." I looked up to she a bitter smile across his face. "I'll do what I can to ensure her safety."

(Y/N): "Thank you Ozpin." I got up from the chair and left. I'm glad he agreed to my terms. The farther she is from the threat the better. I can't risk her or our child.

It finally hit me after all this time. I'm going to be a father. A smile formed across my face. Guess I should plan on getting rings after this is all over.

I entered our dorm to see my team and JNPR surrounding Yang. Everyone was asking questions. I laughed at this and they turned to me.

(Y/N): "Did you tell everyone?" She sheepishly scratched the back of her head with a smile. I shook my head playfully.

Ruby: "I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT!!!!!!" She was in high spirts as always, but she seemed more so due to the news. Guess we should enjoy the moment while we can.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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