1: My Name Is Gale and I Am Bad At Talking

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September 1st, 2019, last period is going downhill way too fast. Mr. Richards just threw me to the dogs, four vicious, rabid dogs. Yeah, my teacher for AP Literature just threw together five random people into groups for the semester project that will mostly likely kill me inside, along with Calculus and Physics. Fantastic. I kind of recognize and the girl with the purple hair and the boy with the peach hair but that's because it's really difficult to forget people with dyed hair and the purple haired girl has a British accent. Or maybe that's just me and my fantastic observational skills. There's also Nikki, my next door neighbor. I sound like a stand-up comedian mentally but then I open my stupid mouth and everything goes to shit. I'm going to chase these people away with my half dead singular brain cell.

"Please don't screw me over, I want an A on this." Peach Boy (what was his name again?) just gave us all a long suffering glance that really screamed 'people have shat on my projects before and ruined my grade'. Huh. Me too. "So, my name is Lavender Allen and this bitch here is my cousin, Ethan Allen." The blond (holy fuck he's tall) stuck a middle finger in her face. "Hoe."
"Greasy bag of tiddies."
Lavender started cackling madly while Nikki looked scandalized and suffering already. "Um, well I'm Nikki, Nikki West. Im sure we'll get along great!" Ugh, Nikki is social and polite, I could never do that ever. "Would you guys mind scheduling a place and time where we meet up and do our projects? I need to be sure I have enough time for other work." Ethan whistled. "Damn, responsibility? Don't know that!" Peach Boy laughed. "My senioritis is too much for me to give a shit anymore. Also impending college applications, GPA, and grades. Fun! Oh yeah, I'm Skye." Skye let his head fall on the desk and wow wood-on-flesh-covered-skull is loud. Ethan was leaning his face on his hand and was looking directly at me. He was just staring and it's kind of making my anxiety levels rise. Just a little. "So uh, Glasses, what was your name again?" Oh, hey that's right! I need to function. "Soy Gale y yo no sé cómo funcionar."  Someone, please, kill me. I can not function.

"So, ya like jazz?" Ethan fingergunned at me, while winking. Winking. Who the hell winks anymore? There was soft jazz playing in the coffee-book shop and I, liking the beat of this particular song, was tapping my foot. "Ok, so, what novel are we reading and researching?" Lavender munched on her strawberry scone while waiting for her coffee. "I was thinking Invisible Man." I suggested and pulled out my already very worn copy of said book that I find to be extremely awesome. "I see your Invisible Man and raise you...Sister Outsider!" Ethan pulled out his book and pushed it towards me. "Oh hell yeah. Guys, can we do Sister Outsider?" That book was awesome! Lavender briefly argued for the other book until she decided to go with the popular vote. This particular book-coffee shop had multiple copies of our chosen book and we all just say there, drinking more café mochas than was necessary and eating way too many danishes in a semi-empty café on a Friday after school. Huh, thanks Mr. Richards.

We ended up staying until nine, thirty minutes before the café closed and scheduled project days for Thursdays through Sundays from three to seven for project days. I kind of like the idea of spending time with them, like normal people do with their friends. Wait a second... I have friends! I think. I'm pretty sure.

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