Ch 16: Going their own ways... // The Goodbye

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America woke up to pain.

To be more accurate, America woke up with a splitting headache, but that's beside the point. Trying to find the reason why, America searched through his memories of last night. He suddenly remembered heading to a bar the previous night. Ah, so that's why.

The bar...

Oh, god. America probably did something really stupid. Probably. America went back to his memories and suddenly remembered that Aussie and Can were with him in the bar, so they would've stopped him if he was about to do something. Hopefully. America's betting on the hope that Aussie and Can were kind enough that night. Even though Can is often seen as super nice- and he is, usually- Canada can be a real jerk sometimes. America just has to hope that Can was feeling nice yesterday. Suddenly, America's headache disrupted his thoughts with another round of pain.

Once the pain had somewhat subsided, America reminded himself it was Friday and meetings exist. So, America reached for Tylenol to help with his splitting headache, but at the last minute opted not to. He felt as though he deserved pain right now. The headache seemed to be warding CPR off too, which was another plus to the aching pain ripping his head apart.

Speaking of CPR, America hadn't heard CPR in a while. America could only assume CPR was doing or planning something; beyond that, America knew nothing. That wasn't exactly a pleasant feeling. The fact that someone who's been making your life miserable for the past week and a half suddenly disappears- it seems pretty damn sketchy. It's one of those things that gives you a very bad feeling that something- something- is bound to end up terribly. All America could hope for was that his kids weren't too hurt by whatever is coming for him.

'Whatever happens, my kids are all that matters.' America thought determinedly, 'It doesn't matter if I get hurt.'

'I don't matter- they do.'

America couldn't prevent that thought from floating to the surface of his mind and found it lingering there. America couldn't accurately describe his feelings towards that sentence. Somewhere deep inside, America felt disgusted by the thought and knew it was false, but the thought just felt so true and so right- and that's what truly scared America. The old him would've never thought that and it made America think that somehow, in two weeks, he's changed beyond recognition. That's he's no longer himself.

Now that's terrifying.

But America can't undo what's already been done, and it's probably too late now anyway.

Pushing those very depressing thoughts aside, America got ready for the final meeting, another emotional dilemma. On one side, he can go home and stop having to pretend so much around others which is a very big plus; however, if he goes home he can't talk to his friends and family- including his new friend, Russia.

That's when it dawned on America.

Russia. He's leaving today. It had almost slipped America's mind, but he vaguely remembered UN talking about it and how it was because of Russia's busy schedule or something. Unlike everyone else, Russia and some of his siblings would be leaving late on Friday, while everyone else would be leaving at various times on Saturday.

America's mind swirled with thoughts- and pain- until it finally settled on one: hang out with Russia for as long as possible after the meeting. America nodded to himself, got ready for the meeting, and drove there for once because he was almost running late. America realized too late that he could've invited Russia to join him on the way there and cursed to himself. Whatever, it's too late now anyway.


The meeting was pretty uneventful. For reasons unknown to America- he heard rumors, but they probably weren't true- North Korea wasn't at the meeting. If America had to guess, North was still bitchy about yesterday's meeting. China was there at the meeting, though, being a neutral, impassive beotch in the corner.

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