Chapter 4: Talking!?

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Oh my god. The doll can speak... How? Does it have an automated voice box? I really don't want to know... I squirmed as far away as possible. It's red gem glowing brightly. I whimpered as it came a nose length away from my face. "I'm not automated ya know." It's seams popping out as it talks. I put my hands over my mouth.

It's head tilted like a curious puppy. It formed a toothy grin, saliva dripping down its jaw. "But You do look tasty." My heart was pumping adrenaline as the sentence lingers. I cower in fear, the dolls sharp teeth glinting my lamp light. It slowly opened its mouth, revealing rows of sharp teeth with a long,slimy tongue. It's jaw unhinged as the strings move towards the edge of its maw. Strands of saliva drip down from the sharp teeth as it slowly comes closer. I squeeze my eyes shut, ready to be devoured by this hell bent doll.

But instead Laughter erupted as I slowly open my eyes. The plush was rolling on the floor laughing, small tears edge its seen eyes. "Hahahahaha! Priceless!" I glare at the doll, fear turning into anger. "That was sick!" I growled, grabbing the doll's attention. "I never wanted you! You Almost ATE me! Your just a stupid doll!" It's eyes darkened with anger.

I realized I just made a huge mistake.

It floated to me, nose to nose. "I am not stupid. I have the power to do much more than an ordinary doll." It sneered at me, baring it's teeth at me. "If I wanted to, you'd be just another meal for me. So watch it." It hissed as it floated over to the edge of the bed. I gulped in terror. I should've kept my mouth shut. It's sharp glare is intimating.

"Now, lets have some fun!" It cheered, mischief darkening it's features as a grin formed.

Oh No....

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