Chapter 4 : Meet My Family

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(Y/N) P.O.V

I had no idea Zion was gonna go all out. He showed us EVERYTHING. The last place he is taking us is the lake. It's almost sundown so we're going to watch the sunset. He seems to be super into it. That's cute. We walked on the beach and laughed so much. We went running in the water , having a water fight so now we're soaking wet. He looks pretty sexy in wet clothes. Cassandra has been flirting with him all night. It's pretty funny actually. He doesn't seem to be into the whole ho side of Cassandra, but still she won't stop trying. Now Zion and I are just sitting in the sand talking.

"You know my first name is Caleb," he said to me. I looked at him wide-eyed. "Seriously??" "Course.. why you don't like it??" He looked a little bummed. "NO! It's just I liked that your name wasn't ordinary. But Caleb suits you. It's cute," I said to him completely honest. He smiled at me and I swear I see him blush a little. "Uh-uh hmm um thank you. I .. I like y-your name. Um... can .. can I take you somewhere??" He stuttered. He seemed at a loss for words but I'm sure it's just cause he's cold from his wet clothes. "What about Cassandra??" I ask. "She Can come as well," he answered instantly. I nod my head then he grabs my hand. And we're off.

"Wait, I want to go home and change first if that is okie.." I ask unsure. He thinks for a second then answers, "You know....... you can just borrow some of mine...IF that's okie with you.." I smile at his cuteness. "Sure. But wait does that mean we're going to your house??" He nods his head. "Okie..." I say uneasily. I don't know if his family liked me. But sure enough we're on our way. When we get there he tells me, "it's alright. My mom already loves you." I smile. Cassandra decides to chime in with, "Already meeting the parents, it's like we're married." Now that, me and Zion roll our eyes to. I smiled though.. he didn't.

Zion's P.O.V

I finally get her to get out of the car. Her friend is already waiting for me outside my door. She's been trying to get with me all day and I'm just really annoyed. I mean how thirsty can someone be?? I definitely don't want her to be my first girlfriend. She is not the one I want to remember as my first anything. But I have to be nice because of (Y/N). Without her I wouldn't even put up with her Ho Ass Shit.

We are walking up to the door when (Y/N) grabs my arm. "What's wrong," I whisper. She just stares blankly at the door. A minute passes then she keeps walking towards it. I open it to see no one in the living room. The kitchen light is on and I hear people talking and laughing. Just then my mom walks around the corner in her apron. I smile at her then gesture towards (Y/N). She smiles down at her and says, "Welcome! I was hoping to see you again Ms. (Y/N)." Then she looks over at Cassandra and puts a tight smile on her face. "Hi dear." "It's good to see you again, even if the first time was brief," (Y/N) chuckles. My mom joins while beginning to walk and puts her hand on her back welcomingly, "Well goodness you guys are wet aren't you?? Went to see the lake?? Yeah it's nice this time of year." She winked at me secretly. I blushed and looked away. "I was gonna take her upstairs and change," I said scratching the back of my neck. She looked over at me then back at my mom. She looked shocked I said that. My mom looked at me and winked right when (Y/N) looked at Cassandra. My mom looked at Cassandra real quick then back at me with a face only I could dicifer. She doesn't like her. Earlier she was texting me while I was out and I told her about Cassandra hitting on me. She told me 'Any girl that keeps trying to flirt with you even though your heart belongs to someone else isn't a good person. Especially when that someone else is their best friend.' I shake my head letting her know that I'm not going for her. Then I try and gesture for her to keep Cassandra busy while I head upstairs with (Y/N). She seems to get what I mean when she nods her head and starts talking to Cassandra while making her head towards the kitchen. I however, start asking (Y/N) to come upstairs with me. She agrees so we head up there.

"Here are some of my sweatpants and a sweater. You should feel lucky. Sweaters are like my thing. I don't let anyone else wear them," I smile at her. She turns her head towards me so fast I thought it might spin. "You don't ?? I'm sorry I don't have to wear it if you-" she starts to say while trying to give it back but I push it towards her and reply, "No no, you'll look really cute in my clothes. It's alright. I trust you." She gives a small smile then says, "I love sweaters also. I have so many. I wear them like constantly." For some reason that makes me really happy. "I'll just turn around so we can both change," I chuckled a little. She nods so I turn around and begin taking my clothes off. Everything. Does it make me a bad person if I really want to peak at her ?? Like she's so perfect I want to .. I shouldn't say ..

After a couple minutes I asked her if she was dressed. "Yeh pretty much," she says but then she giggled when she realized what she said. I turned around right as she was pulled the sweater over her ... feminine parts .. and to about upper stomach. I could see how curved she was and her slim stomach as she was looking down. I looked away and cleared my throat when she began looking up at me. "Ummm shall we go back down..??" I asked her. She frowned then nodded. My eyes brows furrowed then I walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek softly. I put my hand on the small of her back and lead her out of my room and down the stairs where everyone else was.

Before we went into the the kitchen with Mom and Dad I stopped her. "If they say anything embarrassing about me just know... I'm totally adorable," I said. She snickered at me then pinched my cheek. "Come on babe , people are waiting," she laughed putting emphasis on the word 'babe' to draw out the kidding in it. My heart kind of fluttered when she called me "babe" in person.

Thank God my brother and sister aren't here tonight. I can only handle two at a time. They can meet her later. I don't need everyone hanging up on her and making fun of me. She might think I'm adorable but all of them at once might freak her out. I want her to like my family. I want my family to like her. My mom says that she does but she doesn't know her like I do. 5 hours and 14 minutes the first time and 8 hours the second. I mean honestly if you do it right it doesn't take much time to know someone. How you treat each other is all you need in a relationship other than how you feel about each other.

I keep thinking that there's a check list she's gotta pass in order to be "the one" I guess.

Shes gotta be kind
Family has to like her
she has to like my family
she has to treat me right
she has to love me
There is a lot more than just that but those are the basics. I have went on dates with other girls but they never really fit into my girlfriend imagine I wanted. Hopefully she does. So far it's going great.

Anyways back to what was going on.

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