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"Goodnight babe." Galvin said and wrapped his arm around my side while I look at the wall near the lamp. I finally closed my eyes and awaited for my dreamland to come to me right away. I loved it too.

Galvin POV

Yesterday was amazing even when Oliver stopped the amazing action we would of had. I would've rocked his world last night. I know it seems to early but it's not, my wolf and I want to be mated with him, yes I'm gay I've been gay, the pack knows and is totally ok with it since my father knew I was gay he declared that no one shall ever make fun of me for being well me and expecially when he became alpha. So they followed his orders and by then and I'm glad that I wouldn't be getten beaten by my own pack.

I was super surprise though that my father had done that, you would expect that Alphas are rude but not my father, that's where I got my niceness. I got my anger issues from my mom which was the Luna of the pack. It's like a switcheroo haha... but last night was amazing and I would've been all the way already. I would've loved to make love to him, not sex I would wanna make love with him. Making love and sex are two different things which I want to make love and not just the sex.

I wake up and my arm was still over Olivers side while the beautiful beauty was laying right in front of me. I support my head with my elbow on the bed and holding my head up with my hand just looking at Oliver. Later like 5 minutes there was little movement the Oliver said my name and I smiled.

"Yes?" I asked and Oliver didn't answer than I realized he was talking in his sleep. Awe he's dreaming about me. This is perfect! I just stare at him for a little while. I then get up off the bed not waking him up and going to my dresser picking out cloths then I hear Oliver moaning my name I walk to the bathroom and went through the door. Oliver kept moaning

"Yes Galvin right there ahh!" He moaned and I smiled  "Galvin faster please you're going to slow." He moaned again and I chuckled.

I closed the door and turned on the water and waited for the water to get warm.

I hop in and I wash my hair and body then exit the bathtub. I dry myself and get changed and dry my hair and made it the way I wear it and I put my hat on and that's when I heard more moans I went out to see him sleeping still. I smile and kiss him.

"babe can't wait till I mate you and you'll be all mine and all those moans your having will be mine." I said and kissed his cheek and his eyes flow open. I think he heard what I just said

"What are you talking about all moans will be yours?" He asked then made an O shape with his mouth "I talked in my sleep didn't I ?" He asked and I shook my head he hit his hand on his head and I smiled and moved his hand

"It's ok, but dreams are nothing like real life, I would make you ache and scream in pain then pleasure returns to you." I said and I could tell he was turned on.

I kiss his forehead and leave the room and walk downstairs to the kitchen and mind linked Stacey into the kitchen. She came darting into here and got right onto it.

Oliver POV

"It's ok, dreams are nothing like real life, I would make you ache and scream in pain then pleasure returns to you."  Galvin said huskily into my ear and I was really turned on.

My little one turned on and darted through my pants he wanted Galvin now but instead Galvin gets up and leaves. I mumble 'teaser' under my voice while I got out of the bed I was sleeping in and picking out cloths to wear.

I walked to the bathroom and undressed and took a shower by the time the shower ended the little me was gone, thank you. I seriously didn't wanna be looked at as bone guy you know that would be just embarrassing to be called that. I changed into the cloths I picked out and done my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and looked through his hat drawer and I found a perfect hat I would love to wear of his and I put it on my head and jogged down the stairs and seen Galvin talking to Stacey about something.  I walked into the kitchen and interrupted them.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked and they both look my way

"The alpha thinks he's found his mate." Stacey said and then I wondered who would he think is his mate? What if it isn't me? What if it's someone else? What would I do? Do I like Galvin?

"Okey that's good news." I said Galvin looked at Stacey angrily like he didn't want her to go gabbing her mouth.

Yeah I think it was better she didn't say anything at all. Galvin looked at me and came up to me.

"Yes Omega I think I have found my mate, you know him very well, and right now I'm standing right in front of him." Galvin said and I just stood there dumbfounded. 

Was he talking about me? Wait he is who else is he standing in front of? No one! Wait what do I do now? I have to say something or I'm gonna act like a fool if I don't.


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