Stygian Tiger Seal

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Xiao Zhan's POV:

"Wei Wuxian" a kind voice calls out.
I open my eyes and find myself in a quaint little house overlooking the vast expanse of cloud filled mountains and waterfall.

Have I reached the celestial gates? No I don't want to stay here, I want to be where my Lan Zhan is.

As I start to panic, a few notes are strummed and it eases my anxiety. That's when I look up to find a young maiden sitting with her back to me.

"Xiao Zhan" he sweet voice blooms peace within me and I realise, it was something I dearly missed.

"I had warned you Xiao Zhan" she speaks again and my eyes widen.

"So it was you all along who have been talking to me?" I walk to her side and sit as she turns to me.

Her child like face makes me not want to be in the same room. I am a man of many sins. Would I even want my aura to be anywhere near her?

Though her eyes speak of different truth. They're much more wiser. They're a pair that has seen and experienced many.

"Yes Xiao Zhan, it has been me all along. I warned you and Yibo" she smiles "yet you both chose to protect the other without letting eachother know"

"Who are you?"

"You know me Wei Wuxian for I had predicted your birth much before"

"I know you? But I am sure we've never met before"

"Yes you're right we've never met, but we knew of eachother" she radiates kindness "I knew your mother, Cangse Sanren, my most beloved student" and at that I gasp.

Baoshan Sanren?

"You're Baoshan Sanren?" I enquire in shock and she smiles "Yes, I am Baoshan Sanren, your mother's teacher"

"I cannot believe this" I stare at the lady sitting in front of me. She looks so young and here I somehow always pictures her to be old "you're the one I have always been trying to get in touch with? Wow, small world"

"Indeed" she smiles yet again.

"Wait a minute, why now, why after all this time?" I ask curious to know the answer to why the secluded Baoshan Sanren chose to contact me now.

"Indeed a very insightful question, Xiao Zhan. Let me ask you a question first, do you remember your Stygian Tiger Seal?"

", ofcourse I remember, I was even asking Lan Zhan and XinChen about the metal. Why are you asking me about it?" I remember me searching for any information and the last it was said that Song Lan had it and Song Lan...
My eyes snap to her and she nods "Yes, Xiao Zhan, your thought process is absolutely right, Song Lan did indeed possess the Stygian Tiger Seal and he knew he had to keep it safe".

Closing her eyes she brings both her hands to her chest and in a swriling motion an azure spirit covers her palms and soon an object appears which I had last seen an eternity ago.

The Stygian Tiger Seal.

"Song Lan was worried that this metal might reach wrong hand and thus he handed it over to me for safekeeping

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"Song Lan was worried that this metal might reach wrong hand and thus he handed it over to me for safekeeping. No one knew where I resided except few. He knew where I was, gave me this metal and sacrificed himself" the metal floats in the mid air and I reminisce the heist that took place for this metal.

"This belongs to the creator, Xiao Zhan. It's time for you to take back the responsibility and use this to redeem yourself"

Looking at the metal float I question her "How? What's the use of this metal now?"

"To defeat your nemesis, you need the help of your Stygian Tiger Seal. Your nemesis is not an easy one to defeat. Only with the help of the resentful energy residing in this Seal and your Chenqing, can you defeat it" her voice changes "but remember, once you accept the Seal, your days are numbered. The Seal will corrode your soul, at the end there would be nothing left of you. You have already started to experience the changes, at the end nothing would be left"

"Lan Zhan?"

"He'll survive"

"What would happen if I don't take the seal?"

She smiles as if she expected this "every part of this metal is dark, it has to find its master. If you denounce yourself as it's master, it will find a new one and it will surely find your nemesis as its master"

"We..." I pause "Alright, I am ready, if this is the only way then, I shall gladly sacrifice myself"

Gesturing me to sit opposite to her, both palms facing upwards in front of us, she slowly uses her spirit force to push the Stygian Tiger Seal into my soul.

Irony is that years ago my Golden Core was pulled out and today Stygian Tiger Seal is pushed in.

Pain. Intense pain. Agonising pain.

I wheeze and I open my eyes, looking at my surrounding, I realise I am back at Jingshi.

I cough the blood out when I hear her voice again Xiao Zhan, I always closely observed every move of yours. You're a good soul and never forget that. Eternity ago you were wronged and now you have an opportunity to redeem it. Use it well. And the voice vanishes.

One thing was for sure, I would meet her again. We had to meet again.


Somewhere in another relam

"Wei Wuxian" Baoshan Sanren calls out and he turns. Bowing down he smiles "Has everything fallen in place?"

"Yes, he will fulfill his destiny and when time comes, you need to fulfill yours. Protect them"

He bows and vanishes and she walks into the depths of the mountains seldom to be ever seen again. 


Everything sounds pretty mysterious now. With the Yiling Patriarch having the custody of Stygian Tiger Seal, would he be able to defeat the monster and who is he? Wow too many things to deal with and Baoshan Sanren! Wasn't she unexpected ♡(> ਊ <)♡

Let's wait and watch!!!

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Kindred Souls - Vol 2 (Wei Wu Xian &quot;X&quot; Lan Wang Ji) Where stories live. Discover now