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Sasha's POV
             People started gathering Finn to welcome him while The Shield brothers left.

Sasha: Wow Finn, we really missed you.
Finn: That's nice because I haven't given any of you guys a thought since I left.
Sasha: Good because I was just giving you hope that you were actually cared about.
Becky: Now that's not nice. But it's very funny 😆
Finn: I always knew you'd be the person I'd have to climb to get on top.
Charlotte: It's ok that you didn't see me, your not that tall.
Finn: I didn't forget you
Sasha: We didn't forget you either.
Charlotte: Yeah, we just OVERLOOKED you.
Finn: Whatever. Hey Bayley. You've been standing like that for a long time.
Becky: Back to the party everyone!!!

             Everyone went back to partying except Finn and Us.
Finn: Missed me?
Bayley: Actually. Not really but How was Ireland?
Finn: It was nice. Oh and I'm married now.

             Finn showed us the ring on his finger and our eyes almost popped out of our face.
Finn: See ya later.
            When Finn left we all looked at Bayley.
Becky: Are you ok?
Bayley: Yeah But he's a monster.
Charlotte: I guess we have to tame him.
Bayley: I still like him though. I have questions and I'm gonna need some answers.
Charlotte: Ugh, you sound like Roman. Sasha, please follow her because she won't be able to handle new Finn alone.
Bayley: Uh yes I-

            I took Bayley and we found Finn outside. Guess what... smoking.
Bayley: Finn?
           He turned to look at us
Finn: Hey Babe.
Bayley: Don't call me that.
Finn: It's fine. I got married by the court not Church. You guys want one?
Bayley: What? no!
Sasha: Why are you even smoking?
Finn: Because I want to.
Sasha and Bayley: Your destroying your body.
Finn: Exactly MY body. Why do you even care?
Bayley: Because I do.
Finn: Then don't. Let me do me and you do you. I only came here so that people won't crowd me tomorrow.
Bayley: Finn, I can help you get through this. Just give me a chance.
Finn: Oh my gosh. Nothing is wrong with me Bayley! This is my life now.
Bayley: But Finn-
Finn: Bye Bayley.

             Finn walked away angry leaving us clueless.
Bayley: I've been waiting for him to come back so I can date again and I got this. I thought all our problems were cleared but it's like they all came back at once.
Sasha: Right. I've been staying strong about this Seth thing but all I want to do is cry. I love him so much.
Bayley: Don't cry Sasha. We'll get through this.

            I gave Bayley a weak smile and we walked back into the house.

Narrator's POV
             After that night Sasha and Bayley cried to Charlotte and Becky. They were consoling them but little did they know that this was the least of their worries. It was just the beginning. Expect the Unexpected.

Hey guys,
It's Flair13 and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. So Finn is back and he's married???!!! Wow. What's gonna happen next?

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Peace ✌🏻

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