First Appointment

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Narrator's POV
Wednesday (January 20th)was a slow and sad day for the 7 friends. They had a little memorial with themselves, a priest and a very few other of Seth's friends in the company. They gave speeches and showed video clips and there was crying. Although the crying reduced since they are slowly getting used to Seth gone. There is a saying "No matter what happens, Life goes on". Soon these friends may realize that

Sasha's POV
                   So we're all in my house in Orlando and I woke up around 6 am on Thursday morning craving for something. I went to the kitchen and got a big bag of Doritos and some Mountain Dew and started eating and watching TV. I passed out about 8 on the couch then Roman came down by 9 am and woke me up to go shower because I have to be at my appointment by 11.

After dressing up (10:30)
             Im downstairs waiting for Roman to get down so I can get this over with. Finn gave me a plate of salad to eat but I'm definitely not craving Salad. At all.

Roman: Let's go we're gonna be late
Sasha: You know it's not an Ultrasound
Roman: Then What is it?
Sasha: Just a normal check up. The doctor will tell me when I'm getting my ultrasound
Roman: Oh, no wonder the rest aren't coming
Sasha: Yeah Captain obvious

Roman and I got to the doctor's office at 11 on the dot. Immediately we entered they called for me so I went in with Roman.

Doctor: Mercedes, how are you?
Sasha: I'm fine Doc how are you?
Doctor: I'm good. You must be the father.
Sasha: Actually
Roman: Yeah. I am

I smiled at Roman and he smiled back at me. He's been so supportive and I think it's because it will still be his blood whether Jey or Seth is the father.
Doctor: How far along are you?
Sasha: I turned Two months yesterday or the day before.
Doctor: Good. So are you craving anything yet?
Sasha: Yes. I'm craving a lot of fried chicken, and Cake and Doritos and Mountain Dew... Chocolate cake to be specific
Roman: I find it amusing that you're proud telling him that
Sasha: What's wrong with my cravings?
Doctor: It's not healthy. If you eat much of what you're craving then your baby may get really big and labor will be hard for you. Also, you have a high risk of getting Gestational diabetes if you continue this.
Sasha: Anything that has to do with diabetes isn't good but what is Gestational diabetes?
Doctor: It's a form of high blood sugar affecting pregnant women. This puts you at a higher risk of getting type 2 diabetes in the future. But it is treatable and it goes in months. You just have to eat healthy.
Sasha: I'm not touching a piece of cake again
Doctor: You can but once in a while.
Roman: I'll make sure of that
Doctor: That'd be lovely. Any questions?
Sasha: Do I have to exercise?
Doctor: Yes so as to not gain so much weight while your pregnant. But do not over stress it and since you're underweight, you should be gain about 40 pounds.
Sasha: Wow
Doctor: So, is that at all the questions for me?
Sasha: Yeah, thank you
Doctor: No problem. Your next visit will be your ultrasound. Which is in about 2 weeks. That's when you get to find out if you are having one or more babies.
Sasha: Seriously?!!
Doctor: Yeah but you'll have to wait for a while until we find out the gender.
Roman: So how will you know?
Doctor: Well in the second visit we'll just rub the gel on her stomach and hear how many heartbeats.
Roman: Wow
Doctor: So as you guys are leaving, go to the pharmacy downstairs and get "Nature made Prenatal Multi DHA" vitamins.
Sasha: Thank you so much Doc
Roman: Yeah can I get your name?
Doctor: My name is Doc. That's why Sasha calls me Doc. I'm her regular doctor.
Roman: Oh, cool. Thanks Doc and we'll be going now
Doctor: Alright I hope to see you guys soon.

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