Mecha Ghidorah

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Godzilla's eyes widened. Hate burned inside him, washing away his grief. He didn't care if this monster helped him. He killed Biollante!


"I know I shouldn't have told you. I was being controlled by Ghidorah! You have to believe me!"

"I will believe nothing you say! You killed Biollante!" Godzilla got up and raced to him, ignoring the pain in his ankle.

Gigan put his tail between his legs and ran.

"Oh no you don't!" Godzilla ran faster. He then ran into a problem. There were five tunnels, which one did he go into? He smelled around, then he found his scent. It led into the third tunnel. He ran, until the ground collapsed under him. He fell into a cave with crystals on the sides of the wall. It was a small cave, but at least he could see. He walked around. "Gigan? Where are you?! Face me, you coward!"

"Godzilla?" a voice asked.

He looked back. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Mothra?!" he exclaimed.

Her eyes turned red. "You think i'm going to just forgive you?" she flew to him, and cut his arm with her wings. She turned around and flew into the back of his head, knocking him down.

Godzilla pushed himself. If this moth wanted a fight, then she'd get one. He grabbed the tips of her wings and threw her across the cave. She spun in the air and caught herself before she hit the wall. She blew fire from her antennas. Godzilla tried to breathe fire, but only a few sparks came out. She stopped blowing fire. He ran at her, grabbed her wings, and pinned her down. She stared up at him with red eyes. He raised his hand, ready to give the killing blow. Then he froze.

"Do it!" Mothra growled.

He brought down his hand, claws outstretched. She didn't flinch. He stopped his hand when it was only a few inches from her head. He let her up.

"Why did you hold back?" she demanded.

"I don't know."

"Answer me, Godzilla!"

He swung his head in her direction. "Because I still love you, ok?!"

Her eyes turned back to sapphire. "I do too. But I can't live with my son's murderer."

"I'm sorry, Mothra. Forgive me. If you don't, I won't be mad."

"I forgive you. Only because I love you more than I hate you."

He went up to her and rested his nose on her's.

"Oh how sweet."

Godzilla and Mothra looked up. It was Gigan. Godzilla stepped in front of Mothra.

"You take one more step and I'll rip you to shreds!" Godzilla growled.

"You rip me to shreds? You saw what I did to Biollante. I find it funny that you believed my story. You believed Titanosaurus's story too. Your too late for them too. Anguirus is dying, Komodithirax is already dead." Gigan laughed.

Godzilla had enough. He charged at Gigan. But he swiftly dodged. Godzilla rammed into the cave wall. He stomped his foot in anger. He ran at him again. Gigan didn't move though. Instead he thrust his blades out. Godzilla swerved away from him, but was stabbed in his flank. He stumbled and looked down at his leg. It hurt to put wait on it. Mothra screamed. He thrust his head up. One of Gigan's blades was deep in her wing.

"Let her go!!!!!" he screeched, his eyes turning bright red. He ignored the pain and ran at full speed at him. He looked at him and his eyes turned to nervous slits. He tried to pull his blade out but it was stuck in her wing. Despite the pain, Mothra stayed put. She knew what Godzilla was going to do. Godzilla rammed into Gigan. His blade was ripped from Mothra's wing, tearing a large piece from it. She fell to the ground, unable to hover. Godzilla and Gigan hit the ground and slid. Godzilla hit his head on the cave wall, giving Gigan a chance to get up. Gigan raised his blade, ready to stab Godzilla's heart. Godzilla hit his legs with his tail and he fell. Godzilla rolled over and jumped onto Gigan. Gigan laid on his stomach, unable to move. Godzilla put his mouth by his ear.

"I promised I would avenge her." he sunk his teeth into Gigan's neck.

He didn't struggle. He lifted his head, then let it fall. He was dead. Godzilla got up, surprised it had been so easy. Then he remembered Mothra. She was on the ground, flapping her injured wing slowly.

"Mothra!" he ran to her side.

"It will be weeks until I can fly. What will I do?"

"I don't know. But I'll think of something. You stay here."

"Where are you going?"

"I know this sounds crazy, but i'm going to fight Mecha Ghidorah."


"Ghidorah's brother."

"He has a brother?"

"Yes. I'll be back."


He looked back.

"Be careful."

He nodded and left. It took him a while, but he found his way out. He was happy to be outside again. He scratched himself on a tree, leaving his scent. He walked for awhile. He finally caught on that he was in the Alien Territory. Mecha had to live here. His brother did. After hours of walking though what seemed like endless forest, he saw a small crystal cave. He, of course, walked in. In there was a sleeping giant. It had three heads, and the middle head, its body, and its wings were grey and shiny. Was this Mecha? He didn't know. He didn't even know what Ghidorah looked like. He quietly tried to walk out.

"Wait just a minute!" a high, scratchy voice said.

Godzilla froze and looked back. The monster was awake. The grey head was lifted, the other two still laid on the ground, but their white eyes looked up at him.

"State your business!" the grey said.

"Uh...I'm looking for Mecha Ghidorah?"

The other two heads raised, then it got up. "I'm Mecha Ghidorah." the grey said. "Did my Ghidorah send you?"

"Erm...yes. He did."

"Whats the message?"

"Um..he needed help with something."

"With what?" the grey grew irritated. 

"He was infested with...bugs."

The grey head (female, but the rest of its body is male) raised her head. "I'm not stupid! Have you been sent to kill me?"


"Right! I know who you are, King Godzilla. It is an honor to be in your presence.." she said, halfheartedly.

"Sure. I am here to kill you. But I might spare you."

"Why would you? I'm King Ghidorah's sibling!"

"That doesn't mean anything. C'mon. Your too smart for this. You don't have to be for him."

She turned to one of her heads and whispered something. It nodded. She looked back at Godzilla.

"Do you really mean it?"


"But...he's my brother."

"Come with me." he said.

"Ok..." she said, nervously.

"You first."

She walked in front of him, unaware of his plans. He bared his teeth and lunged for the back of her throat. She shrieked and fell to the ground.

"I thought we were together! I was going to help you!" she coughed. Her heads looked at her, with feelings of sadness and anger in their eyes.

"You thought wrong!" Godzilla dug his teeth deeper into her neck.

"I was going to help you...." she said before her heads fell, lifeless.

Godzilla got up and looked down at her, triumphantly. One Ghidorah down. One to go. But what he didn't know was that their was a Keizer Ghidorah. And he would take the one thing Godzilla had left.

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