The Prom

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“Okay, this will be your room for the time that you’ll be staying here” I inform Cam while opening the door for her.
“Oh. My. Gosh” She says, her jaw dropping afterwards, “I love how it’s totally black” She added, jumping up and down like a little kid.
“Yeah, i figured that your favorite colour is black so i went and got black paint and did this” I proudly say, looking around the room.
“Thanks Kayden” She kindly thanks me with a huge smile on her face.
“You’re welcome. Now, I’m going to leave you to unpack and get ready for the event. I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.” And with that, I leave her room.
*Camille’s P.O.V.*
I quickly unpack my bags and decide that I need to take a quick shower but before that, I think of calling Sarah and decide to. I call her phone and it’s going straight to voicemail this time. I miss my best friend like crazy. I have so much to tell her. I get up from the bed and head straight to the shower.
After a 30 minute shower, I get out and start the hard job of picking out a dress for the prom. Where’s Sarah when you need her? I struggle to find an outfit until a knock on the door ends the struggle. I properly wrap the towel around my body and open the door to be greeted with Aunt April’s beaming smile.
“Hey dear, I thought I’d come and help out with picking a dress for the prom” She reassures me, making me smile. Help has finally come.
“You’re a life saver. Is Kayden ready?” I ask, trying not to sound flirty.
“Yes he is. He’s just downstairs waiting for you” She responds back while winking at me.
“I’ll be applying my make-up  while you look for a dress” I inform her while grabbing my make-up  bag.
“Okay dear, I’ll be right back” And with that, she walks out the door, leaving me alone in the huge room. I finally decide on the hairstyle I’ll showcase and choose to sleek my hair down, going for a ‘I just got out of the shower’ look. Just as I was about to start on my smokey eye, Aunt April walks in with a stunning red velvet, slit dress in her hands that screams ‘royalty’, giving me goosebumps in a way. I’m pretty sure it cost more than our rent.
“Dear, I’ve always wanted a daughter but unfortunately, I wounded up with two annoying boys which of course, I’m very lucky to have but sometimes I just sit and think ‘what if I had girl?’. I’d buy her so many dresses and we’d talk about boys and a whole bunch of other stuff. To cut the long story short, I bought this dress and kept it as a special one because I knew that one day, a lovely young girl like you, would need it. Now I know it’s too fancy for your taste but I know that it will fit perfectly and show off all your curves.” She kindly explains to me while grabbing a gorgeous red diamond necklace, “Wear it with this. It ties everything together. Speaking of ties everything together, don’t worry about the shoes. You can wear mine. Dark grey block heels”
“I-I don’t know what to say. Thank you so much. I wish my mom was h-here to experience this moment with me” I barely say with tears in my eyes, not processing everything that’s happening. Just like that, I feel a strong bond with Aunt April. “I know hun, now dry those tears before you ruin your make-up” She playfully slaps my arm, making me smile a bit.
After 20 minutes of turning my face from whack to glam, I put on my dress, along with the necklace and my shoes. I take a quick glance at myself on the mirror and barely recognize myself. I look stunningly beautiful. I walk over to my phone, grab it and walk back to the mirror. I have a few followers on Instagram and I’m sure they’d love to see my glow up.
“Okay, I’m ready” I tell Aunt April, who was just getting off the phone with my mother.
“Aww dear, your mother will for sure faint when I send her the pictures we’ll soon take. You look so breathtakingly beautiful. Kayden will for sure lose his mind when he takes a look at you”
“Gosh, I hope not” I answer back. I take a final look at myself on the mirror, smiling at how gorgeous I look.
“Okay, let’s go” I finally speak. I grab my purse before walking out the door, ready to show myself to Kayden.
*Kayden’s P.O.V.*
I sit impatiently on the couch, on my phone, waiting for Camille to come down. I know my mother went up there to help her for a reason. She wants Cam’s outfit to match with mine which I think is so cheesy but hey, mama knows best.
I look out the window to see Kyro’s car pull up. I look harder and out comes Kyro holding hands with Sarah who is in a purple cocktail dress, matching with Kyro’s dark purple suit. Wow, he really bought a new suit just for prom? But then I wonder what the hell he’s doing with Sarah. Was he really that desperate?
As I keep mentally face palming myself, the door slowly opens and I immediately get hit with the stench of alcohol and sweat. Looks like somebody had a little too much to drink.
“Wassssssup traitor” Kyro drunkly walks up to me with a bottle of beer in his hand.
“Hey Kayden” Sarah greets, clearly looking both nervous and shy.
“Yeah hey. Camille is upstairs if you want her” I say to Sarah, totally ignoring the idiot next to her.
“Wait, what is Cam doing here and why is she upstairs?” She asks with a confused look on her face.
“She’ll be staying with us for a couple of months because her mom is out of town and she’s also Kayden’s date for prom” Kyro answers bluntly.
“Oh” was all Sarah said. I wonder if she had a fight with Camille… Before I had the chance to ask, I hear my mom coming down the stairs and stops at the bottom before speaking.
“Camille will be down shortly!” She loudly exclaims in a high pitch voice while clapping her hands, not paying attention to Kyro and Sarah.
“Wow mom. Really?” I ask her while releasing a loud laugh.
“Yeah, she looks pretty darling” She tells me in awe.
“Will see” Kyro comments while rolling his eyes. Man, what’s his problem today?
And right on time, Camille walks down the stairs, catching everyone’s attention and my eyes immediately fall in love once again. Camille is wearing an absolutely stunning red velvet dress that has a slit on both sides of the dress, showing her perfectly shaped legs. The dress magnificently shows off all her curves and just the right amount of cleavage. Her eyes, a smokey shade of purple with her cheeks shining and I’m pretty sure she put glitter at the end of both her eyes. Her hair, sleeked down, looking wet, making her look like a mermaid. She looks like a freaking GODDESS. I just can not stop staring at her. I finally snap out of the trance her beauty put me in when Kyro speaks.
“Whoa. Camille, you look heavenly” Kyro tells her with his mouth wide open.
“OMG friend. You look like a goddess model” Sarah compliments her, getting a small smile in return and a confused look on her face. I’m pretty sure she’s wondering why Sarah’s here. I suddenly realize that I had to say something because I look creepy just staring at her.
“Wow Cam. I’m honestly speechless right now. You look breathtakingly, stunningly, gorgeously, beautiful. Wow. Just wow” I say to her, not being able to take my eyes off her.
“Okay, let’s get on with the pictures because I see some of y’all can’t stop staring at a certain someone” My mom spoke, looking my way, giving me a wink. Gosh I love that woman.
“Thank you everyone for the compliments. I know you guys never expected me to look this ‘human’ but I really have to thank Aunt April for giving me this beautiful dress. I really love it and appreciate it. Thank you so much again Aunt April” Camille says, getting a little teary which melted my heart. The girl of my dreams gets along with my mom really well.
“Okay Camille, you’re going to make me cry” My mom responds with tears in her eyes, “Now everybody get together, time for pictures!” My mom loudly exclaims.
I have no clue where to stand so I just go by the stairs and Camille follows.
“You look handsome” She whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine.
“Thanks Cam. You look stunning once again” I send back the compliment while looking deep into her green eyes which I think, just lure me into her even more.
“Thanks” She answers back while letting out a small giggle.
*Kyro’s P.O.V.*
I excused myself and lied that I needed the bathroom. To be honest, I don’t know what’s happening to me. When I saw Cam, my heart stopped beating and everything surrounding me, suddenly disappeared. I was only focusing on her, nothing else. I don’t know if I’m actually falling for Camille but I sure hope not, it’s not part of the plan. All I want is to make Kayden jealous and now I’m actually starting to develop deep feelings for Cam. As as if on cue, Kayden knocks on the bathroom door, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“YEAH, I’ll be right out!” I answer, sounding a bit annoyed. I quickly wash my face to get rid of my bright red cheeks and to somehow sober me up. This is going to be a long night.

*Camille’s P.O.V.*
Why am I sweating? Am I sweating? I’m probably stressing over the fact that Kyro is looking FINE in his suit. Don’t get me wrong, I mean, Kayden is looking gorgeous as well and he has been my crush for as long as I can remember but lately, I’ve been feeling some type of way towards Kyro. The simple things about Kyro make me smile and it's driving me crazy. Like for instance, I like the way his eyes get smaller than their normal size when he’s exhausted or the way he walks and even talks. I know I’m sounding a bit dramatic but I’ve suddenly realized that Kyro is a GORGEOUS human being. Yes, I’m obsessed with Kayden but somehow, my mind is slowly getting used to the possibility that me and him can never happen and so, Kyro can be my new obsession. I’ve been getting a weird vibe from him too, as if he also wants to be around me often but maybe I’m being dramatic. Or am I? I am so caught up in my thoughts that I don't hear Kayden offering me to take a picture with him. How stupid of me.
“Hello, earth to Camille…? What’s gotten you so wrapped up in your thoughts that you can’t even hear a word I’m saying” Kayden asks with concern in his voice. Just as I was about to respond to him, Kyro walks down the stairs, completely distracting me from Kayden's offer.
“Okay guys. Let’s get to Prom”

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